(20) The body

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Nothing. Itachi and Deidara rummaged around Karin's house for what felt like forever. What spots did they miss? Did they even miss anything at all, or did Karin even have anything to do with the poor Uchiha girls' death? Itachi had to know. He needed the closure for Sasuke and himself. Someone so close to them. Dying so suddenly, without any trace of her whereabouts? It just didn't make any sense to Itachi.

"Dei, I feel like we're missing something." Itachi rubbed his chin. Sakura's lifeless body was found with a knife. A knife with no DNA on it. The DNA had to be washed off, to protect someone else's sorry ass. The criminal had to be an idiot to think that his/her attempt to make the death look like suicide would work. Sakura wouldn't be able to wash the damn knife off if she's dead. Plus Sakura wasn't the brightest, but the girl wasn't an idiot either. She was far from it. If anything Sakura wouldn't be that stupid to leave her body out in the open. Itachi walked through the Kitchen, again. For the second time. He pulled out the cabinets, threw out forks, knives, and spoons but still, he found nothing. The counter was pretty long. Long enough to crawl through. An Idea sprang through Itachi's head.

climb through the counter..?

It was a long shot but at this point nothing couldn't be overlooked. Itachi turned the flashlight on his phone. The counter wide like a long 'L' shape. There were little things hidden in the cabinet like a flipflop, and a camera. It looked like an old camera from the 60's. Itachi picked the items up while examining them carefully. The flipflop had a letter on it.


What did 'S' mean? Itachi flipped the camera around. Another clue, a small 'A' hidden on the bottom of the camera. 'SA'. There seemed to be nothing else in that dusty old cabinet. But it didn't matter, the raven climbed through the cabinet. The only thing that remained in there were cobwebs and dead bugs. He made the small turn to the end of the cabinet. Numbers.

4 Number's were carved into the cabinet with blood, fresh blood.


Itachi quickly crawled out the musty cabinet, making sure to not hit his head a few times. Right on time, Deidara appeared. With a cheesy grin on his face.

"There's a basement..well not really but.." Deidara's nose scrunched up, having trouble to explain what he meant. Itachi wasn't really in the mood to wait for the idiot to explain what he meant by a 'basement'. What more could he mean? The raven rolled his eyes.

"Just show me Dei.." He huffed. Deidara swiftly turned around, and ran up the steps. Reaching Karin's room Deidara quickly got to explaining.

"When we looked under the bed, we couldn't tell that it was an opening because we could only feel metal. It could've been anything right?" Deidara waited for Itachi's approval.

"So this "basement" is there? And how do you know this" Deidara's smile grew wider. Now this made Itachi uncomfortable.

"Ah ah ah, you just sit back and relax sweetheart" Itachi blushed a bright red. Deidara bent down on his knees, and pushed the bed up. To reveal a small metal opening. Big enough to fit one person. There was a small lock on the metal opening. With words encrusted on it.

'Death is just a fresh start'

What did that mean exactly? The blonde boy's face grew sweaty. He feared what was under that metal.

"There's a code." Deidara sighed. Itachi was too busy thinking about other matters to realize that Deidara was talking to him. The blonde simply shrugged, and looked around for things to open the metal. He peered under the small bookshelve only to find bugs and an old picture of Karin Uzumaki. Next to an electric blonde man that looked a little bit like him. They shared the same electric hair, and blue eyes. But Deidara never seen him before, he was sure of it. The other side of the picture was ripped out. There was another picture under the bookshelf. A small baby girl wth blonde hair. She had whiskers, like a cat. The baby looked similar to that man. Maybe it was his child?

Anyway, Itachi finally came back to reality. The blonde boy looked stupid looking around like that. With his butt in the air, and his hair swept over his shoulder. Why..

Why did that turn him on?

"W-what are you doing!" Itachi stalked over to Deidara's side. The man quickly grasped the blonde's warm hand, and pulled him up. Deidara's face filled with shock. Not because Itachi and him were holding hands, but because Itachi's face was mere inches away from his.

"I was uh..looking for something to break open the 'basement'" Deidara muttered. Itachi squinted his eyes to get a better look at the metal opening on the other side of the room. There lay the lock. Itachi didn't let go of Deidara's hands, infact he held on tighter to them. The raven dragged Dei to the metal opening.

"Dei keep your gun out, k?" Itachi bent down on his knees. He slowly put in the code. '4079' No match. At this point, he was frustrated and the clock was ticking. The sun was setting, and he'd rather be at home right now. Reading through that notebook on his own.

"Damnit." He bit down on his lip.

Sa 4079. What the hell did that mean?!

"Shoot it. Just shoot the lock!" Deidara did. He aimed his gun at the lock, and pulled the trigger. Avoiding this would've been better. Considering there could be anything behind that metal. Like a dead body.


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