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The clock struck 6:00 am, and the beeping sound of the roaring alarm clock began. As I'm sure you readers know very well Uchiha's are terrible at waking up. Today would be especially harder for Itachi, who was wrapped in Deidara's arms. Itachi stretched his arm out for the nagging alarm clock that prevented him from his precious sleep. Except the alarm clock was out of his reach. The annoying clock sat under the nightstand, beeping loudly. The man sucked his teeth angrily. This meant he'd have to get up to get the alarm clock, which also meant he'd be fully awake by then. He didn't like being abruptly woken up by stupid alarm clocks every day, but if he didn't...
   well, he wouldn't have a job anymore. 
So he got up and reached for the alarm clock that continuously beeped. He pulled the alarm clock's plug out of the socket and tossed the useless thing across the room. Instead, Itachi pulled out his phone and looked at the time there instead. It now reads 6:05. He turned around to face Deidara. Who had woken up from the ruckus that Itachi had previously caused? The giddy blonde man seemed drained out, confused, and tired. He didn't look like himself.  Deidara turned to face Itachi, who was staring at him intently. 
    "Is there something on my face or you just like staring at me" Deidara's face broke out into a sneer. Itachi glared at him. 
  "No, there's nothing a-at all on your face" Itachi bit down hard on his lip, and stalked off into the bathroom.  Deidara sighed. He couldn't understand what was going on in Itachi's head. He was getting irritated waiting for the littlest bit of emotion, just a little. 

He suddenly felt weird being here. In Itachi's room, sleeping on the same bed. Deidara quickly jumped out of Itachi's bed and ran towards the ravens closet. The blonde boy pulled out the first shirt he could find. He threw it on. It looked like an old Metalica t-shirt..like the ones you'd find at a thrift store. Deidara ran down the steps, nearly tripping on a few of them. Finally, he entered the living room. His shoes lay on the floor next to a beer bottle, and an empty bag of chips. He slid his feet into the shoes without trying them. His goal was to get out of Itachi's house without the raven knowing, and going to work. Work. He needed work to forget about..him

for now. 

At Work 

Itachi groggily sluggishly walked into Konoha Police station. He was greeted by that lady, the one with the Hijab. 
    "Sir, I have something I think you'll really be surprised to see." The lady smiled brightly. The man nodded slowly, not really understanding what she meant by 'surprise'.  
- Inside the LAB - 
     "So on the black clothing, I did indeed find Sakura's hair on it.." She began. Itachi's excitement only diminished. Not the exact news he wanted to hear right now, he wanted to hear who the murder was. Who could do something that terrible to a human?
     "But..on that camera you found, actually had pictures..pictures of Mrs. Uchiha's dead b-body. It's also a 1991 Polaroid camera." She went to a pale shade and began to twiddle with her Hijab. He wasn't very fond of seeing a dead body early in the morning, but would it lead them to the killer? Sighing, Itachi outstretched his arm for the pictures. 
"Take a look" She handed Itachi the old pictures. 

The first was indeed a dead body. But it wasn't Sakura's. It was taken on a beach, somewhere sandy with a setting sun. Nobody was on the beach, there wasn't any movement. The dead body had his/her arm on a beach chair, and his/her head tilted on the chair arm. But the eyes..they were ripped out completely. There was no flesh on the body's chest or face...it was horrifying. The raven quickly put that picture under the rest. Only to reveal another picture of that dead person's body. A man with black hair, like he stood next to the dead body. Only for his face to come out blurry in the photo. He stood up with his thumb up, and a big bright smile on his face. Now the gender looked much clearer. It was an African American girl, with light brown hair, and dark green eyes. She was smiling brightly at the photo. In the same exact position... but she didn't..she didn't look alive. 
The third picture. It revealed his face completely. But this event looked like many years before death. The raven-haired guy in the photo was tangled into the arms of the same light brown haired girl, and a blonde with a ponytail in her hair. Next to the blonde was none other than Karin and Nikko. Karin was wrapped in Nikko's arms, and his face was nuzzled into her neck. Sitting on the grass was another African American girl with jet black wavy hair. She looked like a punkish girl. She stood out to Itachi, not because of her attire, but because of the way she looked. 

She looked like she was trying to tell him something... 

 After all the looking of the gruesome pictures, Itachi looked at the lady. 
        "Thanks, is it possible you can send these down to Dei?!" Itachi asked the lady. 
"Um...who?"  Itachi blushed a bright red. Not many people called him 'Dei' or 'Deidara' for that matter. To them .. he was 'Patel'. He never understood why they called Dei that, simply because that wasn't his last name.
    "I- uh... P-Patel." The raven cleared his throat and stalked off. 
An hour late 

Deidara sat in his office, frowning deeply. He didn't know what he was doing anymore. What his real purpose for staying with Itachi that night, why didn't he just go home? It's like his brain refused to think...
to figure out why. He hated the way he felt for Itachi. Like he couldn't get him out of his head, and he hated it. He hated that he loved him so much...

But he was at work and had to think about work. On another note, he could see Itachi outside his office approaching his door. Itachi burst opens the door with a bright smile on his face. 
    "Dei! We've got him!" Itachi held out the photos in his hands. Deidara stood up and walked over to Itachi. He silently examined the photos. 
"We don't have a name," Deidara muttered. Itachi rolled his eyes.
     "You really are an idiot, aren't you." The raven covered his face. The blonde went a deep red. He swiftly turned over to face Itachi.
"I am not an idiot you jerk!" Deidara shoved Itachi. The raven chuckled lightly and nudged Deidara back. 
      "But back to what I, the smart one was originally thinking." Itachi smiled proudly and sat down into the chair in front of Deidara's old brown desk. Deidara sat down in his chair; and cupped his cheeks. 
   "Karin is in the third picture, including Nikko. We need to talk to them again" Itachi sighed deeply. He spread the three pictures out on the table. 
         "The one question that remains is..where are the bodies located?" Itachi questioned. He was right. Where were these bodies located, and was that mysterious raven-haired man their killer? This was the only lead they had. The only thing Itachi could hold onto for right now. He desperately wanted to figure out the killer...

and soon.

See you next week! ♡

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