(9) Little Queenie

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"Please let me in.."

Little Queenie (Sad Girl)
Totally check out the band Sad girl, it's amazing.
I was sure the man probably already had hypothermia, that jacket surely wouldn't do him any good. It was flimsy and wide open. Not to mention his jeans were cuffed up and his socks were to his ankles. Growling, I trudged downstairs and opened the door. His face pale, and his fingers a purplish color. He'd lost circulation to them already, just how long was he outside?
"Ugh...you did all this, for what?" I demanded an answer. What was the reason for him being here, was it that important that he had to walk in the cold to tell me? He simply nodded and walked upstairs to my room.
"You idiot, I never said you could go up there..." I muttered, following right behind him. As soon as we entered he plopped onto the bed, and unzipped his clothing. Ah, changing. Wait, In front of-
"Get out for a second..." Sasuke winked at me while untying his shoes.
"I think you're forgetting who's room this is." I frowned.
"Pretty please!" Sasuke stuck his lip out, making the cutest puppy eyes he could, which in my opinion were not that great.
"Ugh fine, you've got 5 minutes bastard." I eyes him and slammed the door. My heart was beating in my chest. I made my way downstairs my mind still not off of the event that just occurred. He seemed drunk, yet I could smell no alcohol. Something was completely odd about him, I couldn't put my finger on it yet. Yet. Pulling out my phone, I searched on ways to warm up someone who's been in the cold for at least an hour. One of the options said to make tea. Which was awfully nasty to me, so I decided to make a hot chocolate instead. Considering this was the only hot drink I had. I opened the packet and poured it into a thermostat. Putting warm water on the pot, I put my back to the counter and opened my phone, to text Kiba.

"You'll never guess who showed up on my door"




I couldn't keep staring at that message, he was probably sleeping after his long date, if he even had it yet. The girl was strikingly beautiful, her name was Hinata. Her skin was a nice golden color, and her eyes were the prettiest, yet the unusual shade of purple ever. Maybe they were doing things I'd rather not interrupt. Plus I gave Sasuke an extra five minutes. Quickly, I poured the hot water into the thermostat, poured some creamer, and a cough drop. (Fun Fact: My mom made this for me when I was sick as a treat even though I shouldn't drink milk. The cough drop tasted gross at first but it died down)
I quickly opened the door to find Sasuke, looking at the TV. He seemed so breezy and laid back about the whole situation. As if it didn't even matter to him. Which I probably didn't.
"Asshole, drink this."
Turning his head, he hopped off the bed, and stood in front of me, his height almost devouring me. His eyes eventually stared down at me until I looked back at him, then a small smile appeared on his face.
"Thank you, Naruto!" He grinned and took his place back on my bed.
"W-wh- are you going to explain why you're here!?" I questioned, confused and annoyed. Nodding, he turned to face me. The smile erasing from a face. One of those cheesy kid cartoons appeared, playing an oceany sound, and the kids at the beach. It looked cartoonish.

"I love you."

"Sasuke, you've said this plenty of times you'll be over it by next week," I whispered softly. Loved me? After all this time I've been trying to love him, he decided to love me now.
"You have a wife-"
"I cut her off, I actually have seen her today," Sasuke whispered in a low voice, his eyes looking at the cartoon. Was he afraid to look at me? A surge of confidence filled inside of me, the little bitch was nervous. This was my chance to strike and hurt him as much as he hurt me. All those times, the times he roamed around as a man who had a wife, a beautiful home, and where ever his family was.
"So you think you can just..show up at my house at 4:00 in the morning, and say this to me?" I said bitterly. A small smile appeared on his face. Why was he smiling?

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