Chapter 1

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"I never thought I would miss doing this." Kai sighed looking up at the clouds going by.

He lay back on one of the lumbering vines that surrounded the Republic city spirit portal.

It was a beautiful day. Parents were pushing strollers, street food salesmen were hard at work in their trolleys and the spirits floated through the morning air.

Jinora, Opal and Kai had gone off, as they often did for their dynamic mediation. Part exercise and part meditative activity, it was a routine tradition for air-benders, much to Kai's dismay.

He always used to detest waking up early to stand still and wave his arms around. But after his knee injury had bound him to crutches for many weeks he was restless to do something. Like a bucking bull at the gate, he wish he could something other than wait around.

Jinora thoughtfully replied, "Give it a couple more weeks and then you'll be fit as a fiddle." She swayed like a willow in the breeze, feeling the enormity of energy that permeating from the portal.

Opal maintained perfect synchronisation with the master air-bender replying back "You remember what Tenzin said, 'This will be a perfect opportunity for you to learn patience.'"

Kai groaned in annoyance, having heard that little fact probably one too many times. He sat up and attempted taking deep breaths. Trying to focus on his being and not his stupid injury. After seconds Kai restlessly opened his eyes and looked around. From where he lay he could see a small clock tower.

It's almost time he thought. They would be here any second.

That's when his attention was grabbed by a trio of kids. They were cowering behind one another as a spirit approached them. It was a four-legged weasel like creature that slunk though the air like a fish.

The closest of the children waved her hands at the spirit to trying to shoo it away.

Kai hopped to his good leg and hobbled over. "There is nothing to be afraid of kids. Spirits our your friends." Kai said warmly, stroking the back of the spirit. The gaggle of kids eventually tip-toed closer and pet the spirit, which cooed with delight.

"Thanks Mr Air-bender." They called out as they kept on their merry way.

"Anytime kids." Kai hollered back. During the air-bender protests, Jinora taught Kai a lot about spirits.

"You are such a nice little spirit aren't you." Kai complemented the creature in the same voice Pema would talk to Rohan in.

The creature floated up to a eye level and with an imperious shrug replied "You are not so bad yourself."

Kai was taken aback by it's posh accent, almost tripping over a vine.

As spirit lazily floated back toward the portal, the deafening screeches of tyres echoed from the roadway. Asami's car came hurtling around the corner, with Korra at the wheel! Kai sniggered at Asami clutching onto the dashboard, her hair billowing in the breeze, transfixed with terror. The car shuddered to a halt, Korra confidently remarking "So, how did I do?"

Asami caught her breath, mopping the overflow of hair back into place weakly commenting, "Maybe a little more uses of the brakes next time..." Korra leapt out of the car, as her girlfriend deeply regretted offering driving lessons. "C'mon guys, rides here."

She performed the standard greeting of lifting someone up in a hug stronger enough to wind them but not strong enough to count as a wrestling move.

Everyone piled into the sports car, and with great enthusiasm, Korra stamped on the accelerator.

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