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   "OW REMUS, WHAT was that for?" James whined as he rubbed his arm. Remus John Lupin had just thrown his book at the poor boy for talking too much about a certain Gryffindor beauty.

"That was for talking about Lily for the past hour." Picking up his book, he opens it to the chapter he was last on and continued reading.

"Please." Sirius scoffed as he took a bite from a chocolate frog. "You act as if you're any better."

"Have you seen Aviana today she's soooo pretty! Do you think she did something to her hair? Have you guys ever noticed how her eyes sparkle?" Peter mocked making James and Sirius let out a series of laughter.

"I don't sound like that." Remus said, chucking the book at Peter. He caught it however and decided to throw the book at James.

"You're even reading her father's book." James pointed out, dangling it over the boy's head.

"That has nothing to do with her. I was just... studying." The three boys gave him a look, Remus was always bad at lying when it came to Aviana.

"Reading isn't going to make her like you, Moony." Sirius said. The grey-eyed boy then threw the book out of their compartment and into the aisle. 

"I needed that for school you know."

"Shut up, Moony. I'm trying to share you my wisdom. Now, my child, you actually need too talk to her, in order for her to know you exist!"

"She knows I exist." Remus muttered. "We say 'Hi' to each other in the halls."

"But that isn't enough, is it?" James piped in. "You gotta speak up. Ya, know? Grab her attention. Do something romantic and big. A book isn't going to impress her."

"You'd be surprise, Potter." Turning towards the door they're greeted by the very girl they we're talking about. 

"What are you doing here, Aviana? Not that I don't want you to be here or anything." Smiling at the flustered boy she shows a copy of 'Fantastic Beast And Where To Find Them'.

" Sorry to intrude but I'm just returning this, I'll be out of your hair soon enough." Placing the book down among the the huge pile of sweets, she sends them a quick smile and walks out of the compartment.

"Mate, your staring."


    "Where we're you, Aviana?" Robin asked once she entered the compartment. 

"Just returning something to a friend." Picking up Pickle from the floor she sits beside Wednesday, who was too busy playing some muggle card game with Auberon, to notice. Wulfric had decided to hang with his girlfriend for the time being, a decision that didn't bother the rest of the Scamander siblings all that much. 

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