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A DAY HAD PASS and the two Hufflepuffs still couldn't locate the Niffler. They were spending their time in the library, trying to find books with any helpful information but they were out of luck. Wednesday didn't really know why they had to do this nor did she particularly wanted to hang out in the library, but after the constant begging from Aviana, she reluctantly obliged.

"The only thing they say about the Niffler is that it's adorable and that it loves shiny things, and we already know that." Wednesday slams the book shut and shove it to the side. Madam Pince quickly shushes her but the girl only rolled her eyes. The two didn't have the best relationship as Wednesday was quite a loud person.

"Maybe we'll find an a idea for a trap." Aviana mumbled, flipping through the pages of the book. She couldn't find anything however.

"Why don't we just put a shiny thing in a box and hope for the best?" Wednesday suggested.

"They'd never fall for it." Avian sighs, closing the book and placing it aside.

"Catching a Niffler can't be that hard."

"They're actually pretty hard to catch. Once my dad's Niffler got out and they had trashed an entire jewelry store just to get it back."

"Well that's not going to make things easy." She huffed.

"What's not going to make things easy?" Sirius asked, popping out of no where.

"Why are you here, Black?" She spat, not really enjoying his presence.

"Miss me, Thursday?" He smirked, ruffling the girl's hair. She swats his hand away, sending him a vicious glare.
"Rude." He mutters, cradling his hand as if it was hurt. The two teens didn't havea the best relationship, always getting into fight whenever they were in the same room. Sirius would constantly remind her that her hostility towards him was very un-hufflepuff of her. The boy got a punch in the arm every time he said that.

"What do you want, Black?." Wednesday grumbled, crossing her arms.

"Why do you always assume I'm after something, Tuesday?"

"Because I know for a fact that you don't hang out in the library unless you're looking for some poor girl to shag or if you're friends drag you here, and I don't see your goons anywhere." She states. Sirius scoffs at this, as if it wasn't true.

"Stalker much, Monday? And you're right I am looking for some girl. I was looking for Scamander here."

"Me?" Aviana wondered, pointing to herself. Why in the world would Sirius Black want her of all people?

"Yes, you." Sirius says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why would you need me, Sirius? Look, if you're looking for a snog then you should go find some other girl. I'm sorry but your far from my type of guys-"

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