Story #1 Part #1:Sleepover

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" Bedtime boys, you have a trip tomorrow with uncle speedwagon!"
Joseph and Cesar roughed each other up as they walked up the stairs, careful not to make too much sounds as to alert LisaLisa.

For the first time in a while, they had finally caught a break, and after defeating the annoying pillarmen with their glistened but menacing muscles, they decided a sleepover for two 18 year old bois was a good idea.

Except for the fact that they were gay for each other beyond doubt.

Joseph threw a pillow in Cesars face and the fight began, throwing fluffy teddies in place of fists.

"You'll never beat me jojo!"
"Don't get too cocky Shiza chan ~ ❤️" he replied with a wink
". . . You're so gay jojo" Cesar lays out the straight facts
"Hey. . !" UwU blushies


The two grew tired after a day of insults, incels, Hamon and pillow fights. Deciding not to sleep quite yet, they lay in very straight positions and watched ghostbusters. For the first time. Don't ask how. This is just stupid fan fiction.

"ShiZa look!! A ghost!"
"Don't be so silly jojo- WTF OMGJ JDC. CINHEDDIHNX"
no it was not a ghost. It was. . .


Joseph x Cesar fluffWhere stories live. Discover now