Story 1 End; Confess

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"Why'd you get cookies? Wait weren't you taking the fattest shi-
"ShUtuP and eat the cookie."
"Hey didn't we defeat the pillarmen?"
"Yeah I thought so but turns out they were so gay for you they tried to steal you away from me. . ."
"Away from you . . ? What does that mean?"

The two sat on Jojo's bed next to each other, the window open and the moonlight spilling through.

Uh oh. Joseph turned madly red, and Cesar's gaydar beeped. Was there a chance in this twisted world that Joseph liked him back? No way, Joseph was too dumb. It hurt to admit but Cesar already knew he would probably be rejected-or worse if he told Joseph the truth.
All he could do was watch from afar, and being his friend was the closest they could ever be.

Meanwhile, Joespeh watched and tried to think of a way to confess. How could he? What if Cesar truly was straight? It was best to come right out with it.

"Hey Joseph do you-"
"Uhm Cesar I gotta tell you-"
"Like men?"
"I think you're gay"

BOth : "WHAT?!"

"You think I'M gay?! Me??"

"You're the Italian!"

"Well you're the one dressed like a lesbian- hey what's that supposed to mean? You think my people are gay?"

"Well yeah, with those pretty faces and sculpted asses, of  course you're all gay . . . You'd think it was the French but it was you guys first. . ."

Cesar blushed and jojo shutup , falling into a tension filled uncomfortable silence as they avoided the other's gaze.

"You think I have a nice ass?" Cesar finally spoke up.
"W-well of course . . . you have nice hair and skin too . . . and you always smell good. . ." Joseph stammered
Cesar turned more red and groaned in frustration, not knowing what he should do. Embrace jojo? Or ignore him and sleep?

Jojo took this as his chance, and as Cesar lay deep in thought, Jojo placed a single finger on Cesar's nose. Cesar's pretty eyes met Jojo's and they stayed silent, an understanding forming without words as the moon illuminated their love for each other. It was clear, wasn't it? Wasn't this their chance?

They were finally alone, so what now?

Slowly but surely without thought, they moved in unison, Joseph sitting over Cesar as the blondie ran his fingers through Jojos hair softly. Soon their lips were connected with Joseph's hands around Cesar's waist, pressing against each other as their feelings poured from every movement, gentle but firmly, they held each other.

What started off as a gentle kiss turned hot and passionate,  Joseph straddling Cesar's hips as Cesar tugged at his hair harder and the bed creaked under their movement.
Thankfully LisaLisa slept like a rock.

Breaking the kiss, the two stared each other in the eye with burning passion that light their faces on fire, small pants shared between them. Joseph took off his shirt and Cesar blushed harder at the bold action, only to be put to shame by the noise he made as Joseph kissed him once more, holding him just as gently as before.

They entangled with each other, legs, arms and all, until they were one. The night blessed their feelings and kiss after kiss, they simply held their foreheads together lovingly. A simple feeling of being whole spread throughout them. It was simple and sweet and perfect. No more, no less.

". . . I love you Jojo"
"I love you too, Cesar"

Once more they kissed, holding hands and legs tangled together.

Cesar felt like his chest just imploded in on itself with the burst of feelings that erupted within. It was like someone set off a euphoric bomb in his heart to go off when Joseph kissed him. It made him tear up, it filled him with joy. He was happy. He wasn't so lonely. He was loved back. He couldn't have had it better. He wished it would never end.

Joseph couldn't help but smile against the kiss. He finally had him. He finally won over Cesar. It made him proud to hold the zeppeli against him. To know he loved him back.

They could rest without worry, their battle over. Finally. They could be happy together.

They didn't have sex. Just kissy kissy UwU I love you and then they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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