#3 cold confrontation

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When Cesar said put on clothes

he did not expect a crop top and booty shorts.

But oh well, who cares? They were hot.

Jojo also managed to give himself two tiny pigtails, he looked even more like a twink.

Two certified gayasses, walking down the street to their hot pink car.

It. . . was not hot pink yesterday.

Csarsars eyes bulged and jojo cried into his sweat.

In this hot summer heat, it was blinding, painful to their eyes.

But swallowing their pride they got in and drove down the street to the cool part of town.

They played some ABBA songs, and that one Barbie girl song by Aqua. Joseph was straight vibing, belting out high notes and killing birds with his horrendous tunes. Cesar was gripping the wheel intensely, getting soap everywhere, determined to see his icy friend.

That's when, traffic seemed to stop.

“What the fuck?” Cesar whispered

Jojo didnt notice as he sung fergie

Cars had been strewn about, some of them flipped over

In the madness of it all. . .


and it was goddamn menacing.

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