#3 Cream 😳🥵

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The warbled sound of the ice cream truck melody echoed through the streets, an eerie feeling rolled through and struck Joseph like a slap on the ass.

Cesar was too angry to notice, getting ready to just about bitch slap someone.

"Cesar. . . I have a bad feeling about this." Joseph whispered, eyeing the way Cesar gripped the steering wheel tightly.
"Me too, jojo, and I have a feeling i know whose behind this all"

Jojo was about to ask when the car door slammed, and he saw his bf approach the vehicle.
Panicked, he scrambled to get out, pulling his clacker volleys from you know where and getting ready to fight.
Thankfully all the civilians had cleared out, smoke rolling through, flickering lights shining through.

Cesar blew a few hamon bubbles towards the truck, the energy rippling and sparking but nothing happened.
Jojo checked under and around the truck, eyeing the heavenly ice cream but turning away, he couldn't have any. Not yet.
Caesar kicked the truck angrily, wondering where the damned villain was, there was no way it was just a menacing ice cream truck.

That's when they heard it. Humming, high pitched and soft, coming from the drivers seat.
Sweat pooled on his brow as Caesar readied his hamon bubbles, jojo carefully going to the passenger seat.
On the count of three, they abruptly opened the car doors, anxious to see whatever psychotic asshat behind the wheel.
"A snowman??!"
"What the fuck?!"
Behind the wheel was a small. . . Snow man? He had a long ass carrot for a nose and stupid goofy face, buck teeth and a chocolate ice cream in one of his stick hands.

"Oh, hi! My names Olaf, do you want some ice cream?"
Caesar was stunned as the small snowman before him offered him a fruity ice cream while jojo pissed himself laughing, losing his shit at the sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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