Story #1, Part #3 The battle for a fucking cookie

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Cesar lay on the soft bed, inhaling the scent of his friend ever so slightly. He brought Jojo's pillow to his chest and wondered why it took him so long to pee. No matter. He would wait forever for jojo, just to be with him. He didn't know how he'd be able to get to sleep when jojo comes back, he was just too distracting.

His stupid smile, that obnoxious voice, his slight smell of freshly baked cookies.
It was what made Cesar love him so, so much.

A tear bubbled in his eye, it hurt him to think about Suzie Q. To think that Joseph might love someone else.

Gripping the pillow tighter, Cesar pushed away the thoughts, with a heavy heart as he awaited his love.

=== Meanwhile, in the kitchen downstairs===

The cookie jar was insight and oh so delicious and tempting

Jojo tiptoed towards the jar, his pulse ringing in his ears, his breath barely audible and every muscle in his body was tense with pure suspense. He had to do this for Cesar,his beautiful Italian friend, for his toned legs and fine-


Something was off and Jojo's breathing changed, his butt flexed and his hamon was activated. Someone or something was near, and it certainly wasn't LisaLisa, his undeniably hot mom but also ew gross zeppeli is where it's at dumbass.

It emerged from the shadows, a threatening, stone of adja hunting and most definitely flat butt of a presence showed themselves. Above all, despite his tiny butt and shiny muscles, Wamuu radiated an air of nobility about him.

"Ehh jojo? Stealing from the cookie jar or stealing zeppeli's heart?"

Jojo blushed, he just wanted a fucking cookie man

"Oh wamuu, what in the world could you be doing here?" Jojo cocked his head, trying to divert wamuuu away from the sacred jar of baked treats.
Wamuu couldn't have them, they were the key to cesars heart.

And no matter what got in his way, Jojo was going to have it.

Wamuu eyed Jojo suspiciously, his boobie muscles flexed. Once. Twice. Thre-

Boop !

H A M O N. B O O P.


Wamuu went flying and hit the all, a ferocious glint in jojos eye.

"Cesars ass is mine Wamuu, don't you dare try to take him away from me" Jojo whisper shouted so as not to wake his all powerful mommy

Wamuu rose, menacing aura emanated from him as his boobs flexed in response

"Fuck you ,Jojo. zeppelis heart will be mine!" Jojo pulled out his clacker volley from his ass, the place he always hid them and swung them about, ready to fight the beautiful pillarmen before him.

". . . So that's where you hide them. Interesting!" Wamuu readied his giant fists and spun them about, trying to intimidate Jojo

But Jojo was better, 100x better.

Wamuu was doing his best to be quiet, and so, his attack was basically him making stupid whooshing sounds and waving his powerless fists about.

Joeseph josetae tripped him over and Wamuu ate shit

"Eat shit, Wamuu, but not zeppelis ass"

Wamuu passed out and died for the third time that year, Jojo standing above him in triumph, his peepee feeling bigger than ever. Slowly, he walked over to the counter and swiped the cookie jar, walking up the stairs in confidence, bringing the sacred baked treats to his pretty love.

"Oh darling~!! I'm coming for your dumbass"

Authors note **

I'm so annoyed cause like, every time I tried to update this at 2am my internet would drop out and I was all like :(

Hope you enjoyed it cause I wanna make longer updates ;D

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