5. Traffic

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The drive back home is a bit more tiring than what Donghun could've expected. The heavy traffic on the high way is enough for him to be waiting more than five minutes to advance at least some centimeters in the high way. He decides to turn on the radio to at least keep him company

"... our guest tonight, oh becaue it was requested by so many....is a really popular group that are the first from their company BEAT...." the host of the radio  voice now echoes on Donghun's car, " they're having a comeback with SAVAGE and so many of their fans are outside the studio..."

Just then the car advances in front of him and Donghun decides to take another route. That will take him home but it might delay him for at least an hour more

"I should've taken the subway..." Donghun says as he turns left

The drive back does take him much longer as he had expected.

Once he opens the door to his house, he turns on the light of the hallway and throws his bag on the couch. Then walks over to the kitchen and opens his fridge. And as obvious there's nothing there

"I haven't cook anything in a while" Donghun says and just takes his cellphone to order from his favorite place

He has being living alone since his last break up. And being the type of person he is, doesn't that many friends.

His parents always have had high expectations of their three sons. And Donghun being the youngest had to try really hard to match his exceptionally smart brothers.

But competing and trying to show his dad that he's someone worth it had gotten him to become a quiet, always working or studying guy.


He opens his laptop and starts working on the pending project he has to send tomorrow for a new hair product campaign, the clock says 9 p.m. So he knows this will be a long night, but who needs sleeping when there's bills to pay

Just as he keeps working a message appears on his screen

Dear Mr.Lee

Just to check do we have to go in some type of uniform or specific color for my first day tomorrow?

In wait of you comments
Thank you

The email from the young university student that Donghun hired as a barista pops up.


Yes a white dress shirt and jeans is perfect

Sorry for not specifying this today

Welcome to the team
We'll see you tomorrow


Donghun sends the email and keeps typing on his work, with the memory of the happy Jun he met today just for stepping outside of his café

"So maybe is a good thing I do go outside from time to time" Donghun says and smiles to himself

Tomorrow will be the only day he has to train the new employees and on Saturday will be the grand opening

So much to do

But this will be the time for him to really prove he's capable of managing his parent's business to them

And to himself

I WILL BE // A.C.E DongJun au Where stories live. Discover now