18. Mine

544 35 20

The alarm of the cellphone starts to ring as Donghun opens his eyes. He feels his arm with some weight that makes it hard to move, when he looks to his right he sees a sleepy  Junhee laying besides him.

He looks so cute

The latter thinks as he kisses Jun's  forehead. Not wanting to wake up the other but he needs to open the shop. He tries to softly scape Jun's arms

Once he success he starts to get dress, ready to head out

"Hyung...", Jun's sleepy voice calls out for him, as Donghun pull up his jeans. He turns around and sees Jun extending his arms towards him, like a little kid asking to be carry. Donghun doesn't hesitate and jumps back to bed as Jun holds him in his arms

"Sweetie, I have to go open the shop", Hun says hoping today he could stay here with him but knows he must go back to reality and start to work

"You're the boss you can let us be late", Jun closes his eyes as his head lays on top of his hyung's that stays wrap on his arms

"I wish to stay sweetie but I have to go my brother said he'll be early today to look through some numbers..." Donghun says annoyingly that he needs to leave

"Then let's go...."Jun says and kisses Donghun's cheek as he moves up ready to head out

They get ready and as they step out of Junhee's room, they encounter Somin and Sehyoon that seat on the sofa eating some Cheerios as they watch some morning tv show.

Immediately their eyes fall on the couple that look a bit shy

"Good morning!" both say at the same time with a playful smirk on their faces

"Good morning", Donghun says as he greets the others

"Had a good night?", Somin says with a smile, and the couple's cheek go bright red

"Somin! stop teasing...are you having breakfast?" Sehyoon asks

Donghun hopes they weren't so loud last night, he can't seem to see them in their eyes. Jun said they wouldn't be back, "I'll eat at the cafe" he says awkwardly as he bows to excuse himself

"We'll eat at the shop... I'll see you guys later", Jun says as he waves leaving the apartment

"See you" Donghun says

They drive back to the shop and as Junhee starts to apply some bb cream and fix his hair Donghun focuses on the drive. As his mind keeps replaying the talk from the last night...only that part since he can't get too distracted.

His soul mate is far away

This time...it might actually work out

Donghun thinks and a joyful smile scapes his mouth. After being left behind so many times, this boy is here. He turns to his right and sees the worry look on Jun's face as he looks at himself in the mirror

"Stop Junhee, you already look beautiful", Hun says as one hand moves to caress his warmth cheek

"But my hair, I forgot my hair products....now you have to look at my bed hair..." Jun says as he combs his brown hair with his fingers

"Jun....even if you were bald I'll keep on thinking you're perfect", Donghun says and Jun's eyes move from the mirror to his hyung

"Silly", and he chuckles at the cheesy side of Donghun

"But I'll probably stop dating you" Donghun jokes

"Hyung! Bald is also cute!" Junhee says and both laugh on their way to the cafe

I WILL BE // A.C.E DongJun au Where stories live. Discover now