21. Stranger

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Junhee stays up during the night, his eyes looking at the sleeping boyfriend besides him. He can't quite shake off the feeling of guilt that he lied to Donghun, regarding Minjae

It doesn't matter.
I wish to never see him again

He keeps hoping in his mind. He knew that telling Donghun would only make his boyfriend stressed out. And for nothing.

But he can't denied that his tattoo felt warmth and a sensation of earning to run to Minjae and hold him.

This sensation invaded his body as soon as he met eyes with his ex boyfriend.  So that's the reason he had to ran away.

"I found love....I don't need him or want him....", Junhee whispers as the clock strikes 2 a.m. He decides to get now under the covers and as soon as he lays down, his boyfriend's arm goes over his shoulder and pulls him closer

Donghun really like to cuddle

"I have you....", again Junhee's voice whispers as he feels Donghun's warm breath touch the tip of his nose.

But during that night. Junhee couldn't stop having dreams of the man he wishes hadn't come back.

Maybe it was just a stupid coincidence and he can go away for good.


The next day Junhee is preparing his stuff ready to leave to go home. He just needed to wait for Sehyoon that promised to come pick him up, since his boyfriend went out of town to meet his brother.

"Hey, we're having a farewell party for Suwon, that is leaving to live at Singapore...we want to see all of you there", the class representative says and she hands out small yellow invitations. The farewell party would be at some bar a few minutes from here

Jun makes his way to the entrance and once again the same sensation as yesterday comes back. He stays frozen in his spot. This time his feet can't respond as the stranger comes closer

Junhee sees his eyes that are now only a few centimeters away. A wide grin spreads on that stranger's face, Jun can't stop his body and he copies that same smile

"Hi....", the other's voice is the first to break the silence

"....Minjae, why are you here?", Junhee asks as he takes a step back

"I came back to Korea just a few weeks ago....I came to find you", if these words had being said years ago. Junhee couldn't had hesitated to run into his arms and kiss him like he did many times before

But now is different.

Even if their matching sunflower tattoo remain the same.

Both of them changed.

"How do you found me? At the cafe and here....", Jun keeps wanting to distance himself

"I found an old common friend in Twitter .... and he told me where you were....Junhee I know this might be strange but if you could let me explain everything and allow me to be back into your life....", Minjae's voice sounds extremely desperate that Junhee can't seem to say no

"You only have this chance....go on...", Junhee says trying to hide away his feelings

A few more students start to departure and they look at them with curiosity since Jun has his arms folded and one can tell they're having some type of quarrel

"Oh OK....the reason I left without saying anything is because I knew I couldn't say goodbye to you...I got a call from an acting school in New York... and god Junhee.... I'm so sorry, after hurting you so much I need to be punch and hated....but truth is I never forgot about you...I just need you back into my life.....I promise to make it up to you....I swear", Minjae says and again Junhee's tattoo starts to hurt a little bit

This bond that they had would never go away.

"I still don't trust you Minjae...."

"Just a chance is all I'm asking for...."

Jun unfolds his arms and in that instant, Minjae grabs his hand and the pain goes away. They both look at each other eyes, feeling the same rush of adrenaline

"... whatever, I need to go....", Jun says and starts to walk over the car that has his best friend driving it

"I will go back to the cafe and visit you there....I want to be back in your life", Minjae shouts and Jun can't seem to say no, once again.

"Whatever!", Jun shouts back and Minjae takes it as a yes.


"Hyung, that man keeps staring so much at you", Yuchan says, the next day Minjae  keeps his promise and is now seating at one of the tables, a chai tea seating in front of him

Junhee wishes he could throw him something so he can leave

"No he's not...", Jun lies

Just then Donghun stands besides him, he's now looking a bit annoyed at the realization that Yuchan is right

"He is....", and Donghun can't shake off the jealousy feeling, he surprises Junhee and kisses his cheek, then gives a quick glare to the stranger as he goes back to the register.

Junhee can't help but giggle at the reaction from his boyfriend, "Hyung... you're going to give me a heart attack" Jun says blushing as Donghun smiles and winks at him.

Donghun goes out to talk to some provider bringing cardboard boxes full of coffee. And Minjae takes this chance to talk to the younger

"He's the jealous type, I see....", Minjae comments as he leans in into the counter, Jun avoids his eyes as he keeps making an Expresso

"What do you want?" Jun asks coldly

"Lets be friends then..... since I'm guessing he's your boyfriend?"

and with a soft smile Jun nods, "We're together"

"Then friends....please.....here this is my cellphone.... please lets just hung out please.....", Minjae pleads and once Jun sees his eyes , he feels joy.

Junhee takes the piece of paper and saves it on his jean pocket

"Thank you Junhee", and Minjae walks out with a triumphant smile, even if he's dating someone, Minjae Believes the soul mate bond is much stronger

Can we even be friends once again?

Is all Jun can think of as he continues working.

I WILL BE // A.C.E DongJun au Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu