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Once again, I managed to miraculously finish my article just before the deadline. I was satisfied with my achievement so I patted myself on the back. Despite the pouring rain, I ventured outside to treat myself to a huge ice cream.

'You deserve this. You worked hard for it, girl.' I muttered to myself and asked for extra salted caramel topping.

I was on my way home and the downpour was still going on. I lengthened my strides but the weather grew stormy. I broke into a run. I was by the Honno-ji temple when I realized I had no chance to get home without getting soaked. So I took shelter at the temple. There was no one else there except for a guy in a white lab coat. He was standing by the stone monument with an umbrella in his hand, seemingly waiting for something. It was quite odd.

'Hey!' I shouted.

Just then a lightning struck down, followed by a deafening boom. I fell back and instinctively shielded my head with my arms. Then everything fell awfully silent all of a sudden. I slowly opened my eyes and all I could see was an ominous fog. It took a while to regain my sense of hearing and my vision to clear. The first thing I heard was the heavy rain thudding on the ground. I smelled smoke and burnt wood. I looked around but I didn't see fire. The stone monument was smashed into pieces by the lightning. Then I noticed that the guy in the lab coat was kneeling on the ground. Oh, no! Was he struck by the lightning? Ignoring the rain, I ran to help.

I took only a few steps when I noticed that he was kneeling beside something. When I got closer I realized, it was a person.

'Is he alive?'

The man was unconscious. He wore a very traditional looking kimono and a haori and there was a scabbard by his hip. It was very odd. He looked like a cosplayer.

'Was he hit by the lightning? Where did he come from? I didn't see anyone else here. We should call an ambulance.' My mind was racing.

'He is alive. I have a pretty good theory of what happened but I suggest to continue this discussion somewhere drier. My name is Sasuke, by the way.' He pushed back his glasses on his nose and nodded.

'Okay. I'm Saori. What should we do with him? He is passed out. We can't possibly drag him.' I knelt down too.

'We have to wake him up.' Sasuke said with unshakeable composure in his voice.

'Come on! Get up now!' I patted his cheeks but he didn't come to. I tried to slap him a little harder but it didn't work either.

I slapped him hard this time. Still nothing. My hand was in motion again when the man on the ground suddenly grabbed hold of my neck.

'Stop it!' He growled.

I shrieked and grabbed his wrist.

He didn't let go of my throat and I panicked. I struggled to break free from his grip but he didn't budge. I was gasping for air when he finally opened his palm. I was so scared, I froze in place.

I realized my nails were digging into his wrist. I let go of him too.

His razor sharp stare was cutting straight into me but I couldn't look away. His eyes were like smoldering coal... Like carnelian. Slowly, I noticed other parts of his face. Sharp, masculine features, refined jawline, a perfectly sculpted nose... Rain soaked, jet black hair... He was handsome.

'Who-who are you?' My voice was still shaking.

A wicked grin formed on his lips.

'I am Oda Nobunaga. Of course. How come you don't know me?' He pushed himself up to sit but his features twisted with pain and he gripped his shoulder.

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