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"We need some information on Riad Ivanov," I told Tina as I walked out of the interrogation room.

"Riad? We have been searching for this sucker for years. He is smarter than he looks, I'll give him that," she sighed and pulled a file from her desk and gave it to me.

I flipped through the pages and was about to close it when a picture looked way too familiar to me. I simply closed back the file and gave it back to her. "Nothing of importance in there. I need some incriminating evidence that I can get him with." I sighed.

"If we had anything incriminating we would've made an arrest," she sighed again and walked away. I stared at her back for a little while before walking away to find Simon.

As I walked to the side of the building where we were granted living quarters, I walked in and saw Simon sitting on a chair.

"She had nothing on Riad," I sighed and he followed. "That's okay though. All we need to do is get into that club." I said right after.

"How are you so sure we can trust him about that club in the first place?" I stared at him emotionlessly and rubbed my hand down my face. "Right now Simon, the closest we have been to putting an end to this chaos, is true Faud. I don't know if we can fully trust him or not but we have to find out." He stood from his chair and began pacing to the front of me. 

"I dont know, I dont know. We need a back up plan." He stated and I nod my head in agreement.

I knew that leaving his brother behind was tough for him and he felt as though he needed to be here to make things right for the rest of his family. Payton's family were dealing with some really bad men and when we thought that they were the demons, out came the real devil. Simon wanted nothing more than to end this threat and fly back to Manhattan to be there for his brother.

"I already have one," I finally said.

"A plan B?" He questioned because obviously I haven't told him anything about it and I plan to keep it that way. For this to work, I needed everyone completely oblivious.

Nodding my head, I began, "I just need you to trust me Simon."

"You're not telling me this plan aren't you?" His eyes narrowed and he shook his head lightly. "We're fucked," he muttered lowly and I chuckled. "Yeah we are my brother," I said mentally and walked out the room to go find Payton.

As I walked towards her room, I remembered our argument from earlier and I pondered on actually going in there because I knew her level of lividness was high. Payton was all about things going her way or no way. Her Presidential behavior may have been hidden for the past few months but she is still the same bitchy yet overly happy woman I met a year ago. I loved her with my all but Im not gonna sugarcoat her atrocious behavior.

Yes I know that I'm a bit controlling and have a bit of anger issues but she knew this before we began whatever this is we have going on. She cant expect me to change that about myself. That's what made me Max Maxwell.

"Are you going to come in or are you going to stand out there forever," that smooth, sensual voice called from behind the door. Pulling me from my thoughts, I slowly opened the door and saw her sitting at her chaise with a book in her hand and a glass of red wine in the other.

Her long legs were crossed upon each other which made her silk robe hitch a little higher against her thigh, showing those velvety, milky skin.

"Are you done checking me out? Or do you want to continue with your perverted act?" She questioned me, her voice hard yet still managed to make chills run down my spine.

"Well in my experience, when you and another person is in a relationship, you can both check each other out," I smirked and walked over to where she was sitting and lifted her legs so that they were now resting on my lap. My hands ran softly up her legs and back down in a slow, tantalizing manner.

"What do you want Maxwell?" Her breath hitched as she placed her bookmark between the creases of the book in which she was reading and rest it down on the table where her wine glass stood.

Lifting her legs slightly, I rose it towards my lips and kissed the palms of her feet with featherlight kisses.

"I missed you," I whispered and watched as the pores upon her skin rose with each kiss.

"Im upset with you," she incoherently said and tried to pull her leg away. With a firm grasp on her leg, I managed to grab hold of her hand and successfully pulled her onto my lap.

"Im sorry baby," I muttered against her neck. Her legs clamped close as I ran my tongue against the side of her neck and up to her earlobe where I sucked lightly.

"You didn't need to say all of those things Maxwell. Is that what you really think of me?" Her body turned so that she was now staring directly into my eyes. Those bright eyes staring deep into my own. Sighing, I slid my hand down my face and allowed it to linger on her waist.

"Payton, from the day I met you I always thought that you were a pain in my ass. You were harsh and controlling and you wanted things your way or the hi-way. For the past couple of months you were not showing any signs of that attitude so I simply thought that was your presidential act." Her eyebrows raised in a condescending manner before she stood up and began pacing in front of me.

"So you fell in love with the scared me? The one who couldn't do anything but depend on you and Simon to save me? Im not some freaking damsel in distress Maxwell," she said slow and dangerous to ensure that her point got across.

"I never said you were Payton. I fell in love with you. I fell in love with you before all of this. I was in love with you from the very first day I laid eyes on you and no I don't care how you act because no matter what attitude you have or how stubborn you become, I'll always love you Payton McKay. Forever and now." By now I was standing, her hand in mine as I stared deeply into to her eyes. The rims of her eyes glistened as the tears threatened to fall.

Her hands instantly flew around my neck and her cries were muffled into my chest. "I thought you were going to say you didn't love me anymore." She sobbed. Embracing her tightly into my arms, I kissed her head softly and allowed her to cry into my chest.

"I love you," she finally said while looking into my eyes.

"I love you too Payton." I smiled and kissed her lips softly.


"Forever and now!"

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