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"We stand here today, to give gratitude to our fallen soldiers in the 2018-2020 futile attempt at assassinating our President. Through it all Simon and Solomon Phillips and Max Maxwell ensured that our President was returned safely to her home at the white house. Miss Maxwell, if you please," the chairman spoke and pointed towards me.

Walking towards the podium, I took a look at all the seated faces. Solomon and Payton gave me a small encouraging smile and I gave them a small one back.

"Many times I have been placed in danger. Many times I ran into danger to save my President, the past and the present one. I'll put my life on the line each time for them. The moment where I realized that I couldn't trust my own soldiers because they were all trying to harm Madam President, I didn't know what to do or who to trust but Simon and Solomon both stood there and they showed me different. Simon was a hot head. He acted now and thought after. I would've never changed that for anything. He always gave assuring words albeit with a few obscenities here and there," I chuckled lightly and so did the crowd. "But he was my brother. I loved him with my all. It was always the trio. Even before Madam President's demise. We were the Oreo brothers," I laughed again.

"I stand here to show our gratitude for Simon's contribution to the safety of the President. Can Solomon come up here please?" I smiled at him as I saw the silent tears on his face that he discreetly tried to hide. He walked towards the podium and we both held the scissors before walking towards the ribbon. "Cut!" The crowd shouted and we cut the ribbon from the cloth and the cloth fell from the sky and the statue of Simon and Solomon in the new park named Simon's nature park was now fully shown. The crowd gasped and claps were heard throughout.

The emotions that were now scorching throughout my body, made an emotional gasp erupt from my mouth and the tears fell silently or so I thought. Solomon engulfed me into his arms and the emotions which I tried to bury was now out. I shook lightly as I failed to stop the tears from falling.

"You know if he saw you crying like this he was going to laugh at your ass," Solomon whispered as his tears fell as well. I chuckled before lifting from his shoulder and took a deep breath before wiping my eyes.

"I cant believe it," I muttered and turned to the crowd that was now watching us in awe and sadness. Giving them a tight lipped smile, we both walked down the stairs and sat to the front next to Payton.

"You okay?" She asked softly before taking my hands in hers.

"Yeah," I smiled and gave her a small kiss on her lips.

As the ceremony wrapped up, Solomon walked up to me with a smile. "Im going at Naomi's house," he cheesed. Naomi was his new girlfriend that he met in Manhattan. Apparently she assisted in taking care of him when he got shot so now he was head over heels for the girl. I smirked and gave him a thumbs up before he walked away and left Payton and I standing in the middle of the park.

"Let's take a walk," I smiled and held her hand as we walked onto the trail.

"You think he likes the park in heaven?" She asked as her eyes scanned the area. Simon loved the outdoors. Payton decided that she will build a park in his name and a statue to honor him and Solomon for all that they did for her.

"He loves it," I smiled and gave her a quick peck on my lips.

"This feels so surreal," she began. "Nine months ago we were running from enemies, getting shot at and living the worst life ever. Now we are back into the white house and the threat is eliminated. My mother is dead and though it hurts, I wouldn't have it any other way." She said sadly.

"I miss him," I said sadly.

"I know baby." She said as she stopped at the pond. Grabbing a cup she placed a quarter into the food slot and got some feed for the ducks. We began throwing food for the ducks and their splashes in the water was heard.

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