We Choose an Outcome

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Clara's POV

So, I feel back on Lucas and was hit in the stomach with a tree branch, actually one of my best days so far. Minus the fact that the strange girl Lahara, was fighting a monster. I started pushing the branch off, but I sleeve got caught I pushed anyway but I froze when it snagged on my bracelet. The bracelet Jack me three years ago, I struggled to untangle it. Lucas was trying to and I was nerves he would push to hard and rip the bracelet.

I untangled it and stood up I look around for the monster, but it was no where to be seen. I smiled at the girl Lahara, she was about my age. I had my 14th birthday a week ago, but I was still pretty tall for my age, She had black hair up to the tips, then they turned the same golden color as mine, she had bright gold eyes, no where near as impressive as Lucas's eyes, but still the color sent a chill down my back.

"Did you kill it?" I ask. I was a little nerves, they both had swords and what did I have, other then freak accidents where I was protected by the storm...well not always protected. The storm also took the ones I loved. " duh. I finish what i start" Lahara said whipping some blood from her mouth. "Thanks, I would have hurried, but the branch kept getting stuck." I said. I quickly continued " Well I should head out now, don't want to cause any trouble." I turned to walk off when Lucas grabs my arm, it sent a chills through my body. I pulled back and turned to face them.

"Why don't you join us?" Lahara asks. I start thinking of what could go wrong this time, Fire, Plague, lightning strike, who knows. " Listen thank you but I am dangerous. You really don't want me around" I say but Lucas cut me off before I finished what I was going to say " You think we aren't different? come on it will be fun." I agree. right before we start moving again, we hear a screech in the forest, we went back to back, and they ready their swords and I raise my arm, i didn't know why, but I felt it would help.

A hell hound leaped at me and words came to my mind open now. As I closed my eyes, I shouted, my bracelet turned into an old roman war shield the hell hound hit it hard and I blacked out. It was later that Lucas and Lahara told me I had really said "aperi"

Just to help aperi means open now in latin ~ Clara

Lahara's POV

So, sum of the fight. Sword, I get bit, it gets bit, it gets stabbed. I still have blood in my mouth.

"Did you kill it?" She asks. She had no sword yet I felt she was dangerous.

" duh. I finish what i start"
I said whipping some blood from my mouth.

"Thanks, I would have hurried, but the branch kept getting stuck." She said. She quickly continued " Well I should head out now, don't want to cause any trouble." She turned to walk off when Lucas grabs her arm, it sent a chills through my body. I can tell he likes her. She pulled back and turned to face us.

"Why don't you join us?" I ask. I start thinking of what could go wrong this time, Fire, Plague, lightning strike, who knows.

" Listen thank you but I am dangerous. You really don't want me around" She says but Lucas cut her off before I could.

" You think we aren't different? come on it will be fun." She finally agrees. Right before we start moving again, we hear a screech in the forest, we went back to back, and me and Lucas ready our swords and Clara raise her arm.

A hell hound leaped at Clara and Run in front of her. She shouted, her bracelet turned into an old roman war shield the hell hound hit me hard and I hit the shield. Clara blacked out. Lucas killed the monster. I blackout.
It was later that I woke up and I was bandaged all over. Clara woke up and i covered my bandages. Me and Lucas told Clara she had really said "aperi".

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