Where is she/Where am I

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Clara POV

        I woke up from my "blackout" and rubbed my head. "What happened?" I asked. Lucas was there but I didn't see Lahara. " You used a lot of power Clara...you passed out" Lucas told me. I sat up and undid my hair. "Well Clara, you where claimed" I shook my head "I was what" Your parent....is well you see... it was Zeus' symbol... but there was lettering underneath S.P.Q.R. I think." I smiled I knew what SPQR meant. " Senatus populusque Romanus That is what that means." I said... I must have been Roman then.

        Lucas smiled, then scoted closer to me, " You know Clara, you are so smart. I know we k=just meet three days ago...but I trust you with my life." I returned the smile " and Lucas I trust y..." He stopped me mid word and kissed me. A tinkle went through my body. my mind flashed back to what happened with Jack. I pulled back. " I can't Lucas I'm sorry" Lucas looked a bit hurt. "Are you alright." he asked me "No...and I don't want to talk about with some guy I just meet... where is Lahara?" I said eager to change the topic of discussion "hunting" Lucas said...then his face changed to horror "She should be back by now. get ready to go and help pack up camp" he said.

        I finished braiding my hair, and getting my thinks together. then Lucas and I headed off into the woods. We searched for hours by the light of a torch Lucas made, the sun started to rise and I felt like screaming, but I didn't. Lucas and I split up, but to the point we could hear each other scream.

        "CLARA!" I heard Lucas scream, I ran to where he was. I froze for a while staring at what he was pointing at. On a rock was a lot of blood, I knew it was Lahara's and so did Lucas. I went running in a desperate search for my friend. I saw he and I felt tears run down my cheek. Lahara had a pool of blood around her head and her neck and gut were bleeding pretty baddly. I rushed to her side and so did Lucas.

        I ripped the bottom of my shirt off and gently wrapped Lahara's head. Before Lucas and I could do more or even talk about what to do, we heard a deep male voice " Don't move" We turned and faced a black bow and arrow.

Lahara's POV

        As I wake, I feel a knife at my throat. 

        "Ah! Who are you!?" I ask.

        "Good you can talk. I am O..." he began but I cut him off.

        "Dude I don't care! Why are you here?" I ask exasperated.

        '' Ungrateful little girl! You give me pain, therefore, I give you pain!" He screams and cuts my throat, right on my vocal cords! I rolled and came up grasping my neck. I turned and ran. As I ran, I felt a large rock hit my head. I couldn't make a sound and continued to run. I began to fall from blood loss. As I fell, I heard him coming. I made a quick and stupid decision. I backwards summersalted and landed on my feet. I grabbed a rock and chucked it at him. At the same time, he hrew his knife and dodged my attack. Buut I couldn't dodge. It stuck into my gut. 

        "Oh, looks like I missed. Pitty, and BTW my name is Otran." he said.

        I laughed, which hurt. "Oh. You said BTW. HA. and what kind of name is Otran? HA hahahahahahahhahahahaha!" started laughing but it soon it became coughing. I coughed blood and fell completely useless on the floor as I slipped into a dreamless sleep.

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