The Fall

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Clara POV 

I wanted to bang my head on the tree... Lucas and Lahara where weird. The kept talking about Greek Gods, and mythical monsters. I have to say...i was mean, i turned around and said "Would you to.just shut up". They looked confused. To be honest i was fighting a migraine... And i was annoyed.. I had been trying to kill that hippopotamus for days. I used to be able to fight really well... But the the storm stopped coming. I used to call and it would come. I turned and look back at the forest ahead "sorry guys...i just...well three days of walking and hardly any sleep no fun..and i have a head ache"
Lucas smiled at me, i could see his perfect teeth and...CLARA STOP, i concentrated really hard but Lucas was just so nice. He took a step forward..i wanted to scream because as he did lightning hit the earth and the side of the cliff broke, Lucas turned and grabbed the edge but Lahara and I feel to our death.
As we where falling i grabbed Lahara's hand. If i was going to splatter so was she. I wished that we wouldn't reach the end, and we wouldn't die. Suddenly the wind stopped. I looked down to see Lahara dangling from my hands..and I was.....flying? was more as if the wind was bending to my will. I thought about racing Lucas and we shot sky high.
When we hit the ground, i started blacking out....I did hear Lahara and Lucas mention an eagle over my head..but i didn't care, i just let dream take me.

Lahara's POV

        OK, besides falling to my death, which to be honest wouldn't have happened unless Lucas made me promise not to use my special powers around her then he got mad and the lightning stuck, I had a pretty messed up day. My side was still injured from the shield and I still hide it, with great difficulty mind you. I recently injured my ankle falling off a cliff and that wasn't even the bad part.

        I had to do the hunting because Lucas was the one who knew how to heal and had to help Clara. Oh, mush! He just likes her. I was in the forest when out of nowhere came a hellhound with a boy on it. He pointed a sword at me. 

        "Who are you?" he asked me.

        "The question you should ask is who am I" I say pointing to myself.

        " I just... WHAT?!" He asks confused 

      "That's what you said!" I said in a matter-O-fact tone that just made him more confused. As I confused him he just left. As I walked to get so game a needle inserted itself into my neck. I felt power flush my veins. A power that I could handle awake because as i staggered back towards our camp I passed out on the floor with a knife at my throat. 

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