The Sword and Berries

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Clara's POV

When I found Lucas and Lahara my heart stopped, Artemis lay on the ground, Lucas was wrapping her arm up. I knew i couldn't hold my past from them much longer. I saw Lucas' sword on the ground... I could grab it and stab myself, then my past would no longer haunt me... and I could be with Jack again. I inched forward "Clara there you are" Lucas said. He walked over and hugged me tight for a moment I relaxed. Then my mind flashed to the fur and claws "Don't touch me!" I yelled shoving him away. 

Lucas looked hurt, but I.... couldn't trust him. Lahara got up and walked over to me and Lucas "Hey guys I am going to get some berries. and while I am gone fix" She shook her finger at me and Lucas "this" She turned and walked off. I looked at the ground. A tear feel from my cheek. "Clara I am so so..."

"NO!"  i snapped "I can't try to fix 'this' because one day you disappoint me, or die. So if we just don't get close, you'll be okay. And Lucas what would you have done... If the animal took over... would I be lying on the ground with a bleeding neck because you couldn't 'control' it? I'm sorry, but I'm only staying for Lahara... NOT you" I walked over and started a fire. "I want you to have this" Lucas said. he held out a black blade "It's Stygian Iron. The only thing that can hurt the wolf. When I realized what I was I also found this. I want you to have it. In case..."he set the sword on the log. Gods he was amazing but I couldn't trust him

Lahara came back with some berries. I grabbed the sword and it immediately turned into a coin. I shoved it in my pocket and the rest of the night was silent.

Lahara POV

        Berries. Yep. I ran into the woods and realized that i had no basket. I started to weave a basket when I heard screaming. "NO!!!!" Clara yelled. I sighed. I got up and found a blueberries. I started to pick some when my mind wanders. I remember how I felt when Lucas secluded himself because of the wolf. I was angry and sad. I feel that now. Another family, another friend, another life.

        I moved to a strawberry plant. 

        I continue to pick with that one phrase, " Another family, another friend, another life." I start to walk back with a full basket of berries, when I stopped terrified. Terrified of the thought that occurred to me. That I might not have a family anymore. I zombie walked back to camp. I set the berries down and curled up in a ball and cried. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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