Our new fear...

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Clara's POV

I am too confused about being a demigod, and was to worried about my friend to even pay attention to what 'Ortan' was saying. I held Lahara in my hands crying out loud. I couldn't lose someone else. I stared at Ortan "you did this?" I asked. I mean I knew it was him but it felt right to say " No stupid girl, it was a bunny" My eyes narrowed. There was no way he would kill my friend AND call me stupid in one day, no way i all of earth was he getting away with this.

I was implosive so I let go of Lahara and charged at Ortan. he pulled out a knife and slashed at me. I dodged and I summoned some lightning, it hit his back and he almost doubled over. I turned once again to face him and was stabbed in the gut. I stumbled back. Lucas seemed to snap into reality. he looked between me, Lahara, and Ortan. what he did next... I have a new fear... and it is traveling with me, and he kissed me. 

I am afraid of................ Lucas

Lucas' POV

Please those that are weak stomached skip this POV. thank you.

        After seeing those I love get hurt, I flipped out. I felt rage rip through my veins. I doubled over as my bone structure changed into one I recognized from a myth book. Fur began growing everywhere and my hands transformed to a gigantic black paw. I finally was in the shape and form of a Dire Wolf. I was as big as a horse with strong jaws. 

        I ran and jumped on top of him. As he cut me I felt no pain. My jaws bit his neck and face. My claws slashed his body and face. He stopped moving and I know he was died, but I continued to rip him up. It took Clara's screaming for me to stop myself. 

        "Lucas! Stop it! He is dead already..." she screamed then quieter and while crying, " don't hurt me." 

        I stopped died in my tracks. I painfully transform back and crumple next to Clara and Lahara. 

        "I'm so sorry. I tried to stop but I couldn't." I started crying and looked up. I see Clara getting injected with a greenish brown liquid. She fell silent and started conelsing on the floor. I picked myself up. Then I picked up Lahara and Clara. I ran towards town crying and praying the mist covered the injures on myself and my loved ones.

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