Chapter 1

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The Nuptial

Chapter Summary
Sabrina and Divinity are finally wed, and so, a new chapter in their life begins.

Somewhere in Tokyo. The market was a very noisy place. A six year old girl ventured past the stalls with bounces in her steps. She was eager to do her first ever independent activity which was to run errands for her father.

She pulled out a sheet of paper with scribbled ingredients her father told her to buy. "Cabbage. Doko de nyūshu dekimasu ka? (Where can I get one?)"

When she passed by a menacingly dark alley, she stopped in her tracks, frozen. She sensed an ominous aura radiating from the pitch black. She slowly looked at the alley. A nervous and itchy feeling crept upon her body. "Dare ga iru?(Is anyone there?)"

Not only was the alley a creepy place to enter, the nighttime scenery heightened the shivers running down her spine. The moonlight did no help at all in illuminating the every darkness of the world. But, in some way, she felt herself become a fragile prey stubbornly and irresistibly getting tugged into the dark.

As she melted in the darkness, pitch black embraced her in cold welcome. The more she sauntered deeper into the alley, the more the lights of the market behind her faded away into blurry dim lights.

Then, a sudden flickering red light startled her. She looked up to read a display neon sign now lighting up the alley that was once dark and eerie. For now, the frightened side of her hid in the shadows as bravery took control.

She was about to turn the brass door knob attached to the dark green metal door when a voice called out behind her. "Little girl, what are you doing?" A female voice asked.

The little girl stiffened. She refused to look at the woman behind her. She was scared already. She thought to herself that she shouldn't have walked into the alley.

What a stupid decision it was...

The woman behind the little girl folded her arms and cackled sinisterly as if planning something wicked for the little girl. "Oh, it seems you have a little list there," The woman noticed the sheet of paper the little girl's hand was clasping.

At last, the little girl spun around unhurriedly, her eyes fixed on the floor. The woman she was facing tilted her head and clicked her tongue three times. "Where are your parents?" She asked.

The little girl fiddled with her fingers, not wanting to meet eye to eye with the woman in front of her. "Where are they?" She repeated. The little girl reluctantly answered. She knew that she should never talk to strangers but this time was an emergency.

"H-house," The little girl hesitated to give a response but she felt relief flooding through her as she finally spoke.

The woman cracked a scary smile, one that couldn't be trusted especially when in the mist of darkness. "Young kids like you shouldn't go out at night into general places. Who knows what danger you will face."

The little girl didn't understand the English lady since the language was foreign to her. She only learned a little but it was no aid to her desperate need of communication.

"Oh, I guess I should make this easy, then." The woman snapped her fingers and suddenly, the red neon light died, leaving both of them in darkness. The little girl could feel her heart leaping in her throat as she desperately searched around for an escape but her hands only found the brick wall.

There was only an eerie silence accompanying her. Then, a glowing pair of red eyes stared blankly at her. She gasped then sobbed immediately.

She turned around to see the market lights just a distance away. The little girl was about to run when her arm was seized by something calloused and unnatural. Then, her faint screaming turned into gurgles until everything was quiet.

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