Chapter 6

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The Island of Fate

Chapter Summary
The group heads for a secluded and frozen island, where sinister forces await within the deep...

Within the Lycan Den, Snowdust loaded her pistol with ammo, then packed her satchel with food, and essentials. She hoisted it over her shoulder, carrying it with her as she exited her room. She swept her gaze around her bedchamber one more time and pressed out a sigh, before shutting the door.

She sauntered down the hallway, banning negative thoughts from entering her mind.

The sunlight washed her as she stepped out of the palace doors. Greeted by nearby citizens, she plastered on a wide smile, "Hello!" She waved politely then continued off towards the gates where a carriage awaited.

She released a sigh as she took in the ambience around her, the quiet and the peace. Snowdust suddenly thought of her favorite place. Inside the carriage, Divinity, Sabrina, Asha, and Doctor Leandro were all settled, indulged in a lively conversation together.

Snowdust informed the wolf their first destination. The wolf inclined his head. Snowdust made her way inside the carriage, stepping up the carriage steps. Eventually, she sat down beside Doctor Leandro who was submerged in tale telling.

Soon, the carriage shuddered into motion, the surroundings outside the window starting to move as the gates of The Lycan Den shrinked away into distance. Doctor Leandro happily told his adventurous stories.

"Sab and I found a dragon's skull in your collection." Divinity said.

A smile turned Doctor Leandro's lips up, "Oh yes! I remember going to Serpentinople during my early years. My parents and I hunted down a winged serpent. Turns out that dragons were rare that time since they were being cleansed away from the world by a faction whom they call themselves as The Liberators."

"Liberators... means someone who fights for freedom," Asha squinted her eyes, as she dug into her memories of recalling. She had sworn she'd been told about The Liberators when she was a child. Then, she remembered about her mother... who died out of unknown causes. Now, this trip to Mount Estinium, it should bring her the answers she needed so desperately.

"Red Viper was furious at The Liberators. The dragons were her precious creatures. Unfortunately, Serpentinople is one of the bridges that connect an island to another, their location is vulnerable to threats." Everyone learned from Doctor Leandro's words.

"I bet the snakes told you their cute little history," Sabrina glanced at Divinity then clasped his hand.

"Yeah, yeah, otherwise, I wouldn't have known about it and wouldn't be able to share it to you all," Doctor Leandro chuckled.

"Since you're with us," Snowdust gazed at Doctor Leandro, "I want to know more about you've been reading recently," She peeked at the exposed part of the tome which had been shoved in his bag.

Doctor Leandro reluctantly pulled the tome out of the bag and opened the page to Werewolves. "I always thought that werewolves being a lower class of our kind... was just a myth. Maybe they're real if we see them in..." He narrowed his eyes as he skimmed the page as it had mentions of an island.

The tip of his finger stopped at Island of Mercedes. "The Island of Mercedes."

"I sort of have knowledge on that. I read about it being the origin of our kind? And the vampires," The words that came out of her lips caused the others to lean closer, giving their complete attention to Doctor Leandro and Snowdust. Doctor Leandro nodded, pursing his lips.

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