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Before you all scream at me because of the Chapter title, or throw bricks at me which is supposed to be thrown at Jason, or scream because I haven't updated in so long, or cheer in victory because my book is horrible and it's finally ending, HEAR ME OUT.

I'm so, so, so terribly sorry to those who actually found my book enjoyable, which was unbelievable to me, of course, but it really meant a lot to me. I used to be overjoyed every time someone voted or commented, and I'd write my heart out because this had been an idea in my head for so long.

Well, not anymore, at least. I have completely lost my inspiration to continue this book. I've been putting this book on hold, for almost a year now, and every time I try to write a chapter, nothing pops up. I'd been blaming it on writers block, but whenever I choose to write something else, inspiration comes like magic. Yet, I stayed stubborn and blamed it on something that wasn't the fault.

Now, before you leave this chapter because of my ridiculous rant, please, stay til the end. If you don't want to and you think you're wasting your time, alright then, fine. I just hope you understand what I'm trying to say. I don't want to be forced to write something that I can't. However much I enjoy writing, I can't do it with no inspiration. And therefore, that is the reason.

(And partially because I'm super busy and too lazy 😅)

But if, IF, inspiration comes back like a brick at Jason, then I might continue this story. This story is really cringey, and I swear if I do decide to continue this, I should probably fix a LOT of things. Which means this is so far the end, until, at least, I might be inspired to write this book again. Just in case, however, I'm gonna leave this book up. Maybe I might find inspiration again, who knows. May the Fates have faith in me.


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