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Eira went home once Scott woke up.

"You waited here until I woke up," Scott stated, blinking his eyes a few times as he sat up.

"Yes, of course," Eira answered.

Scott smiled, "You're a really good friend, Eira."

Since the plan at the rave was a bust, they were all now waiting until after the full moon to come up with a plan again. If they could come up with anything. It was proven by tonight that the Kanima was too strong and they had no idea how to save Jackson from being under the control of a master.

The full moon was on a Wednesday and she, surprisingly, was invited to a party. It was Lydia Martin's birthday party and the strawberry blonde had invited her personally, coming up to her house since it was spring break and asking her to come.

She hardly knew Lydia but she didn't question the oddity of it. Eira had noticed the popular girl had been whispered about and ostracized ever since running around naked in the woods for two days. She felt bad for the girl who had no idea what world she was forced into so she decided she would go to the party.


"Stefan, stop! Please!" she pleaded as he stalked closer to her. She turned to run but when she turned around he was right in front of her. There were veins beneath his eyes that made the white of his eyes red. His chin was dripping with blood, the blood of their father.

She trembled in fright as she backed away from him as he stalked towards her. She was sobbing as she knew there was no escape. She didn't want her life to end this way at the hands of the person she loved the most. It was cruel but maybe all gods were cruel.

She stopped backing away as she knew there was nothing she could do. She looked at him sorrowfully one last time, looking into his monstrous green eyes that were nearly the same color green as hers.

"It's okay, Stefan," she cried. "It's okay."

Stefan lunged at her, his fangs biting into her neck and she screamed. Her hands tried pushing him away, but he was too strong. Eventually, her own strength faded and her arms fell limp.

She could hardly keep her eyes open, staring at the ceiling instead of her own twin. Her heart slowed and then it stopped as all the blood was drained from her body. Her eyes stilled and no more tears fell.

Eira gasped awake and she clutched her chest where her heart was pounding. She felt the dampness on her cheeks, indicating she had been crying in her sleep. It took awhile for her to calm down, to dissociate dream from reality.

But that was reality.

Stefan had killed her in 1864. It was the whole reason she was something now. It had taken her a long time to move past the nightmares once she woke up from her coffin. She had no idea why it came back to her this night.

She had forgiven Stefan years ago for the act. She knew he had been a new vampire and didn't have any type of control; that he was a ripper. She wasn't a vampire and she couldn't blame him for something she didn't understand. And Stefan was her twin, her rock; the one she relied on for everything. He was family and that was most important thing to her.

Eira got up out of bed and shook her head, shaking herself out of the weird sense that it meant something. But she had no answer as to what it meant so she let it go and got ready for the day.

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