The New Kids

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Lefty's POV
Emptiness. Last year, i lost someone special, and hes not coming back anytime soon. Im in the middle of Math class, when suddenly, i start crying. I wasnt excpecting that.
Everyone looks at me and i rush out of class, tears streaming down my face.
The bell rings for lunch and i go to my locker, drying the tears. I toy with my nose ring when i hear someone gasp.
Three students walk down the hall. Ennard, El' Chip, and an emo student... and Goldie? Who has taken on the identity of Fredbear?
"Puppet... i mean Marionette, its Lefty" Fredbear says in a low voice to Mari.
Holy shit what the fucking god?
Foxy comes up to me, "Ennnard is super goth, El' Chip is a friendly Mexican, Fredbear, i dunno how he lived, hes pretty much the same, except not a murderer this time. And Mari...i would say is Puppets cousin, but thats not true" Foxy whispers to me.
"Wait a second, Marionette is... Puppet?" I ask Foxy.
Foxy nods, eye wide.
"He looks so... different" me and Mari's eyes catch, then he looks away and continues with his little gang.
Everyone drools after them, i just stare after them in shock, along with the rest of our friend group.
Mari looks like the rock n roll type now, he doesnt look like hes depressed 24/7, and he wears a leather jacket.
Mangle, Chica, and Bonnie come up to me and foxy, who are staring at the ground in shock. (Btw Mari (Puppet) is 18 now)
Time skip
After school, finally the damn bell rings. I jump up and into the schools parking lot. I realize i have to walk, in my excitment of schools end.
The doors open and close and Mari's Gang comes out. They seem to walk in slow motion.
They are all so handsome, Mari especially.

Marionette's POV
"Go talk to him" Fredbear whispers.
I nod, tell him and gang to meet at the cafe, and watch them leave the school grounds without me. Then i go up to Lefty, "hey, um. I dont know what to say" i say.
"Puppet?" I ask.
"Thats me, but, um, i prefer Marionette or Mari now. Im a different person" i reply.
"How are you alive?" Lefty asks.
"I knew me and Fredbear could never escape, i knew we would have to come down again. And i knew i would never go silent, i will never be speechless ever again" i cross my heart.
"Mari i... i got depression for no reason, and now im crying tears of joy. Youre alive!" I cry.
"I am alive, now do you need a ride or do you have a home?" Mari asks.
"I kind of live at your house, now. Where do you live?" I ask Mari.
"I live with Fredbear in his one person apartment for now, i was moving back in tomorrow. Want a ride?" Mari asks.
"Sure" i shrug.
"Glad i keep two extra helmets" Mari smiles, gesturing to a motorcycle.
"Thats yours?" I ask.
Mari nods, handing me a helmet. We get on the bike and in no time we are at my house. Soon to be Mari's again. We get off, we take off our helmets, "ur ok with living with me again?" Mari asks.
I nod, then, "i love you Mari"
"I love you too" He says, and we kiss. (Mari leaves after).

Ennard's POV
When i was walking down the hall only one person caught my eye. She was talking to a girl her age, that wasnt listening and looking at me. I think Ballora, is her name. Shes my lab partner in chem.
The girl was trying to talk to Ballora but Ballora wasnt listening, the girl has red hair usually worn in pigtails, she had beautiful green eyes, and she was wearing a plain red dress with a darker red scharf.
"Hey" Ballora says, coming up to me.
"Um hey" i say, confused.
"Um, we have to study for chem. The lirbrary sound good?" Ballora asks.
"Sure" i say, and we head to the library.
On our way to the library, the red pigtail girl stops us, "hey Ballora, we have to study for our English test" she says.
"Oh hey Baby amd what, already we have a test this friday? And on the first day of school? What the hell is wrong with TChica?" Ballora says.
"I dont know. Whos this with you?" Red pigtail girl, i mean Baby finally notices me.
"Oh um, this is Ennnard, we were actually just going to the library to study for chem" Ballora says.
"This is the guy you like? You know FChica likes him too" Baby says.
"Uhh, what is with all the funtime amimatronics likimg me?" I ask.
"I domt know" Baby stares deep into my eyes, and the world melts around me. Until she breaks away, and i can see a bit of blush on her cheeks.
"When are tou guys finishing?" Baby asks.
"Probably 4:30, then we can study for the test all together" Ballora decides.
"That sounds great" Baby texts Ballora something and my eyes trail their hands as one texts and the other get out their phone.
Suddenly my phone buzzes and i pull out my phone to see a text from El' Chip: hey bro, me, Mari, and Fredbear are all going out tonight. You in?
Eggs: maybe, what time?
Mexican Beaver: 5
Eggs: then yea im in
Mexican Beaver: 👍
I put my phone away, "i only have half hour to study for the math test, im going out with boys" i tell them.
Time skip to 430
"Hey um, Ennard? Can i talk to you for a minute?" Baby comes up to me and Ballora's table.
"Sure. Be right back, Ballora" i say getting up.
Baby pulls me behind a bookshelf in the huge library.
"Um, Ennard. I think im falling for you, hard." She says.
"I think i am, for you, too" i say.
"Can i just" Baby kisses me, catching me by surprise.
She backs up and blushes, gazing into my eyes.

And thats enough for now. The word count is litterally over 1000!

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