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Lefty's POV
Its been two and a half weeks since Puppet entered his coma, and he hasnt waken up yet. The docters said if he doesnt wake up at the end of this month (how convienient, it ends in half a week), then they are pulling the plug connecting to life support.
"Puppet, if you're in there, send me a message that you can hear me, that you are well, living in your own world" i whisper, holding Puppet's hand.
I wait a few moments, but like every other day...absolutely nothing.
"I should have been there sooner" i whisper, a tear rolling down my cheek.
I lay my head on Puppet's chest, listening to the beating of his heart, signalling he was still alive. I close my eyes for a few moments, then get up and kiss his forehead.
I step away from his bed, and sit back down in my chair. Marionette told me to be strong, but how can i when Puppet is probably dying? He might be stuck in a nightmare!
I put my head in my hands.
A few moments later, i feel arms wrap around me in a warm hug.
"Hes going to wake up" Foxy whispers.

Time skip to two days later (this month ends in two days)
Puppet's POV
This nightmare became more and more real as it played over and over again. Its just the same thing every god damn time!
I get up for school. Shit happens the school starts burning and everyone starts fighting everyone, Nightmare beats me up and the floor turns to water and i start drowing, but Lefty pulls me out of the water then it repeats.
Im not sure what it means. You'd think by now i'd know that, but no. Dreams are just visuals of riddles you can try to solve if youre bored.
But after i feel like its been years stuck in here, i hear beeping.

Lefty's POV
Puppet made it clear that he aint waking up. The docters came, gave me time to say goodbye, then pulled the plug.
The lines go flat, and the beeping start dragging out. Puppet's body goes limp and i cry out, holding my chest.
The emotional pain turned to physical pain some how, and it hurts. My chest hurts. It hurts.
The docters leave and i collapse on the floor, in pain.

Puppet's POV
My body jerks, then goes limp. My dream stops, the plays, backwards.
Lefty drops me into the water, i the water turns back into solid floor, nightmare beats me up again, the fight, trying to get out of it, then everything goes back to normal.
Then the whole entire show stops.

Lefty's POV
"Puppet!!" I cry.
Then i go limp.

Im so so sorry for the short chapter. But i left yall at a cliff hanger! No , this isnt the end of the book. Its gonna be maybe a few chapters longer.
Why is puppet always the one getting badly beaten up?

This lil note is mainly for my gf, who reads this book~
Theres a hidden message in this book, specifically for you, but others can try and figure out what it is.
Actually, i try putting hidden messages in all of my books. Try and find them all!
Sophie out~

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