It Happened

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Marionette's POV
On my walk im so caught up with things going on my mind, like the fight, what Fredbear said, is he really one for me?
Before i even realize what i was doing, im knocking on Lefty's Door.
"Mari?" He asks.
"Thats my name" i sigh, "can i come in?" I ask.
"Sure. Forgot we were standing at the door" he brings me to the living room.
"Soooo, why are you here?" Lefty asks as we sit down.
"Um, well, i have some things on my shoulders, weighing me down. I went to talk to you" i tell him.
He nods, urging me on.
"Well, 1) im datimg fredbear for some unknown reason 2) El' Chip got himself into a fight at the bar and i stepped in and accidently used my pain as my greatest power so 3)everyone is thinking about past me and the war now" i take a shaky breathe as i finish up.
Lefty is quiet for a moment, then slowly pulls me into a hug, "that must be traumatizing for you" he says softly.
I nod slowly, breathing his scent, as a tear falls down my cheek.
"Shhh, its gonna be ok" Lefty whispers into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
I want to kiss him so bad, i love him. Now that i think about, Fredbear loves a good fight and i try to stop it. Im going to break up with him tomorrow at school.
Lefty lets go of me, and i speak, "i i, i think im going to break up with Fredbear tomorrow and go back to you" i stutter.
"Are you sure?" Lefty asks, staring deep into my eyes.
"Me and Fredbear barely have anything in common, i think him and i are better off as friends" i say, caught up in his gaze.
"I love you, Mari" lefty says.
"I love you too" i say, and we kiss.

Fredbear's POV
I go to find Mari, but hes nowhere to be found. I have no problem with being recognized as Goldie, but he does. I decide to try his home, but nobody is home.
I find a notw on the microwave: went for a walk.
Its like he knew i would go looking for him. Then i realize something, Mari Probably went to Lefty's. Well, i dont trust that Lefty guy, anymore. He looks dangerous, he changed.
I text Mari, but theres no reply. Ten mins later, still no reply. I call him five minutes later, once, twice, no answer.
Now im starting to get worried. Suddenly the door opens and closes. Mari enters the kitchen, "did ya miss me?" He asks.
"Why didnt you answer when i call and texted you? And where were you?" I ask angrily.
"Well, my phone died, and also, i was out for a walk, did you read the note?" He asks in a rude tone.
I nod.
He takes a two pieces of the pizza i got out and angrily stomps up the stairs. I sigh, wondering what im doing wrong.

Time skip next day
Lefty's POV
When i finally arrive at school, i hear shoes jogging behind me, trying to keep up, i turn around and Mari attacks me with a hug.
I squeak, surprised, then wrap him in a gentle hug, "did you break up with Fredbear yet?" I ask.
"Not yet, he disappeared as soon as he woke me up" he says, as his phone dings.
I read the text over his shoulder fred: cant go, taking care of El' Chip.
"Okkkaaayyyyy, you might have to tell him tomorrow or tonight or something" i say.
"Im moving in with you tonight, so not tonight" Mari shakes his head.
FFoxy sees Mari and stops. What the frick does he want.
"Wheres you little Mexican friend?" He asks.
"Um, why?" Mari asks.
"Im wondering" he shrugs, smirking.
"Im not telling you then" Mari says.
"Then I will litterally beat it out of you" FFoxy sneers.
"Hmm, how about...NO" Mari suggests.
Then suddenly, not knowing what was happening and what i was doing, i block FFoxy's uppercut. I think about when i first met Mari. He was fighting with the gang. We are all broken up now, my the way.
But the force of my block, it creates a powerful ripple that knocks everyone around us down. Me and Mari lock eyes in wonder. How are we supposed to continue our day as normal now?
Mari shrugs and walks to class. Apparently im the only one who didnt know what to do. I look around, everyone stares at me, doesnt look like anyone was hurt.
I follow in Mari's steps, i huff and rush away, not making eye contact.

Time skip to tomorrow (again)
Marionette's POV
"Yo Fredbear!" I call.
"Oh there you are" he says coming to kiss me.
I push him away, "im breaking up with you, for Lefty" i tell him.
Fredbear's face goes through a wide variety of emtions before finally choosing one.
"I dont trust him" he says.
"You dont care about anyways" i warn him.
"I do care about you!" He says.
A small crowd has gathered around us now. Im wondering where Lefty is. This is getting dangerous.
"Then why the hell didnt you show it!?" I yell at Fredbear.
"I did! You just didnt notice because youre an ignorant slut" Fredbear screams.
I flinch at his scream. It was really loud. My ears start ringing and my vision gets blurry.
"Well, maybe you should've made it a bit more obvious then, you lazy son of a-" but i cant even finish my sentence when anger get ahold of Fredbear and he shoots fire out of his hand...WHAT?
I shoot water out of my left hand, then blow on it, turning it into ice. The sharp ice crystals i accidently aim at Fredbear and i gasp. I dont. want to kill him!
Fredbear redirects them to me thankfully...oh no. Last second...!
Suddenly the crystals stops just before they hit my body.
"What the frick is happening to me?" Lefty whispers.
"I think i know" i whisper under my breath.
"What is happening to me, then, Mari?" Lefty whispers in my ear.
"I gave you powers" i whisper to Lefty.
"Why. Why did you do that?"
"It, it was an accident. I didnt mean to..." i apologize.
"Its ok. Its ok...i guess" Lefty kisses my cheek, "ok now lets go" he realizes im glued to the ground in fear, so he picks me up and carries me outside. He sits me down on a table and he sits next to me.
"I am so sorry i got there late. Um, a random news crew showed up at my door?" Lefty says.
"Oh? I knocked them all down when they showed up at my house" i shrug.
"Huh. Anyways, what happened with you and Fredbear?" He asks.
"I broke up with him, and things got a little out of hand" i tell the details and he nods along, sometimes giving me little kisses.
I breathe in his scent, why does he smell so good? He brings me closer to him and i rest my head against his chest. He plays with my hair and it feels so nice.

Lefty's POV
I look up from Mari to see Fredbear hiding in a bush, hold up. I have xray vision? Cool.
I look down at Mari again and kiss him. He has his eyes closed and hes smiling. I smile, knowing that i can make him smile.

Marionette's POV
"I love you" Lefty whispers. im drifting off to sleep. I feel like sleeping right now is wrong, and i dont know why.
"Arent you guys supposed to be in class?" Fredbear asks.
I open my eyes.
"Arent you? And also, you shouldnt be spying on us" Lefty says.
"Ok, just dont come running to me when you guys get in trouble" Fredbear goes back inside.
"Dont worry, we wont" Lefty mutters under his breath, then notices my eyes are open.
"What do you wanna do? Stay here, go to class, or go to our house?" Lefty asks.
"Um...i think i wanna go to our house" Mari says, getting up.
"Ok. Lets go" we walk back to our house and sit down on the main living room couch.
I cuddle up against him and he kisses my head, making me shiver with delight. We dont have anything on TV, we would rather just keep each other company.

Ok fnaf fans. Imma leave it here for now. Its over 1400 words now.

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