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Baby's POV
"Hey, have you seen Lefty anywhere?" I ask Ennard.
He shakes his head, "at first he was with Mari when he broke up with Fredbear, and then they went outside and disappeared. Why?" Ennard asks.
"I...i have to speak to him" my voice trembles.
"Uuuh, tell him what...?" Ennard asks.
"Thats...none of your buisness" i say.
"Well, go find him, then" Ennard shrugs.
I turn around and run into Fredbear's rock hard chest. I back up, rubbing my head.
"So youre looking for Lefty eh?" Fredbear sneers.
I nod, holding back tears.
"He went home with Mari without checking out" Fredbear laughs.
"Arent yall supposed to be in class?" Maribelle says blandly.
We all nod sheepishly. Fredbear goes one direction while me and Ennard go another.
I sit down at my desk, letting out a shaky breath, and checking my phone for something, anything.

Finally the bell rings! I jump out of my desk and ignore my teacher when he tells me to stay after class.
I call Lefty, running out of the school.
"What" lefty groans.
I hear Mari saying something in the background and a few mumbles.
"Why didnt you pick up your phone earlier?" I ask.
"I was sleeping. Thanks a lot for waking me up" Lefty sighs.
"Ugh...where are you? We need to talk" i say.
"At home?"
"Great. See you there in a minute" i hang up.
I jog up the front steps and ring the doorbell. Lefty opens the door almost right away, his face was...i dotn know, scary.
"What do we need to talk about?" Lefty says, stepping out.
"The one night you kissed me. Remember, Friday night? We had a whole entire makeout session!" I whisper shout.
"For the last time! I was drunk, Baby, ok? Just drop the subject" Lefty growls.
The door opens, Mari comes out, "whats going on?" Mari says, kissing Lefty's cheek.
My face blushes, as i gape at them.
"Baby is annoying me about Friday night" Lefty smiles at the kiss.
"The one where you got so drunk you made out with Baby?" Mari asks.
"Thats the one" Lefty confirms.
"Hmm, well, Baby, did you really need to come all the way to our house just to argue about that?" Mari asks.
"I live right across the street. I was headed this way anyways" i frown.
"Baby!" I hear Ennard call for the sidewalk.
"Ennard? How did you catch up?" I ask.
"Im 6'5, i got long legs." Ennard shrugs, holding out his hand, "we gotta go" ennard shifts uncomfortably.
I relunctantly grab his hand and he pulls me in, waving goodbye and heading towards the cafe.

Foxy's POV
I used to be the center of attention. Now i just save peoples asses as they cry for help in the face of death. School teaches nothing of survival unlessssss.....nevermind.
"Heeyyyy, wanna race home?" Bonnie suggests.
I nod and he takes off. I gasp and run to catch up. Halfway there i trip and fall. Bonnie jogs back and helps me up, "are you ok? Thats never happened before" bonnie says worriedly.
"Well, nothing broken" i say, touching my forhead and coming back with blood.
"I think you need stitches" bonnie says.
"You think?" I say, texting ballora.
She responds immediately and we go to her house.

"So what happened?" Ballora asks, voice croaky.
"Foxy tripped and fell when we were racing" bonnie pipes up.
"Oh wow. Has that ever happened before?" Ballora asks.
"Thats excactly what i said. Foxy said its never happened before" bonnie says.
I take a shaky breath out, and realize im crying. I usually never cry.
"And done" Ballora says, backing away. I quickly dry my tears.
"Foxy?" Bonnie asks.
I shake my head, touching my wrist. Yes, i feel the scar.
I take a deep breath, "lets go. Thanks, ballora" i send a grateful smile her way and me and Bonnie leave to my house.

Marionette's POV
I drop my glass of water when visions overtake me. Foxy slits his wrists end up in mental hospital for recovery, that memory he had a few mins ago, and ballora was crying because she only has herself now. Chica and Mangle just kissed.
I jerk awake, and im lying on the floor, glass floating in midair. I let out a shaky breath.
Lefty gets up to grab the water and put it on the coffee table. Then he crouches down beside me.
"Did you have another vision?" Lefty asks.
I nod.
"Are you ok? Not just physically, but mentally?"
I shake my head, "nothings broken" i choke out.
Lefty helps me up and sits down beside me on the couch. He holds me close to him, the loud beating of my heart and pulsing throbbing pain fading away.
I levitate the water towards me and i grab it, chugging it down. I yawn, suddenly feeling fatigued. I close my eyes and...

...i slowly open my eyes. Everything is blurry at first, then things slowly come into focus. Its kind of cold, not as warm as before. I grown, stretching, realizing that im on the couch, and lefty is not here. But he put a blanket on me.
I wipe the sleep from eyes and blink a few times, waking up. Then i sit up straight, looking around some more. Im living room. I smell...fooooooood! Im starving.
I cross the room and enter the kitchen, holding out my hand and using the force to pull the food to me, which was loaded on a plate already.
After eating i wash the plate and fork and put them away. The door opens and closes and i walk into the living room to see lefty unwraveling his scharf and putting it away.
"Hey, youre awake. I went for a little walk" lefty smiles, coming over and kissing my lips. He makes to walk away but i pull him back, and i keep on kissing him. He wraps his arms around me and i do that too.
We stop to catch our breaths.
"Why...did you do that?" Lefty asks.
"I...i love you, Lefty" i say.
"I love you too" Lefty says, and we start making out again.

Um...ok, imma end that chapter there, actually. I would love to go on but things might start getting out of control...heh.

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