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The weather was nice that night, it was the middle of October and you loved it, it was cold enough to wear your favorite sweaters but not enough to freeze. It was perfect.

The smell of coffee covered every corner of the place and you smiled, you loved it there, it was your second home.

"Just one more and that's it, I promise"

"No, Robin. You already had five pastries, the tray is almost empty and they're probably going to kill me tomorrow" you said to your friend for the third time while mopping the counter.

"I'll let you copy the homework we have for tomorrow"

"Now we're talking" you knew Robin would let you copy her homework anyways but it felt nice not having to ask for it.

You've been combining college and working at the coffee shop for two years and sometimes it was a little bit stressful but you were doing well. Plus you loved the coffee shop and you knew the place like the back of your hand, that's why your boss let you alone tonight to close the local, it was Thursday and she had to pick up her son from his father's house. It wasn't the first time so you already knew what to do and Robin always kept you company, waiting for you to finish and go back to your shared apartment.

"Yes! I love doing business with you" she said grabbing a chocolate muffin.

"Hey, I thought we were dealing with pastries" you slapped her hand slightly but let her grab it anyways.

"You said it yourself, the tray it's almost empty so I'll just take a muffin instead" her mouth was already full with a bite of the delicious food and it was barely possible to understand her, but you were used to it "I'm doing you a favor here"

"Whatever, don't leave crumbs on the floor, I just swept ten minutes ago" you were busy with the trash can to see Robin quietly trying to pick up the crumbs she already let fall.

"No worries" she said hiding them on her hand "hey, do you mind if I go home now? I know you're almost finishing but I still have to write an essay and I really need a shower"

"Yeah, don't worry Robs" you said taking the broom again, you already knew the mess she made with that muffin "And thanks for the homework, really"

"I give you the homework and you give me food, we're the perfect match baby" she said winking at you before leaving.

You couldn't help but smile, Robin was first your classmate and then you became best friends so you decided to live together, it was cheaper and you understood each other pretty well. You were really lucky, you're life wasn't the best but you didn't need much anyways. You had a small but cute apartment, nice friends, you were doing well at college, and you loved your work. What else would you need to ask for?

The sound of the wooden door opening woke you up from your own thoughts, you zoned out while sweeping the floor after Robin left and forgot to close the door and place the "closed" sign.

"I'm sorry miss" you said leaving the broom aside and lifting your head towards the entrance to meet with a sharp gaze that intimidated you almost instantly "we're already closed, but you can order something and I'll prepare it for you to takeout, it's okay"

You knew some people's schedules couldn't adapt very well to common life because yours was that way so you didn't mind to attend a customer even if the coffee shop was already closed. However, in this case was not only empathy what you felt for the woman who entered the the place at such late hours, you started to feel weird, her eyes never left your figure and that made you uncomfortable.

"You're really kind" she said approaching you. She wasn't old, probably in her forties, but her features where different from anything you've ever seen, they felt familiar but distant at the same time and her eyes weren't just bright blue that might seem gray from a distance, they were almost white.

"Thanks I guess" you stuttered "what can I do for you?" you stood on the other side of the counter as an attempt of feeling a little bit safer there, it wasn't working though.

"Darling," she gave you a warm smile that helped you relax a little, she didn't look harmful but there was something strange in her behavior "you've done more than enough"

"I-I'm sorry, what?"

"Are you happy?" what kind of question was that? Of course you were happy, at least most of the time but definitely not now, now you were scared "wouldn't you like a better life?"

"I'm okay with what I have" you lied. Of course you were happy but like any other human being, the idea of improving your life was very appealing.

However, you were realistic, you knew you would gain nothing with your head in the clouds, so why even care?

"I'm sorry miss but it's late and the coffee shop is closed, if you're not going to order something I'm going to have to ask you to leav-" you were interrupted by the image in front of you. The woman's eyes turned purple, deep purple, and they stared at you as if they were looking inside your soul. Your nerves were now betraying your own body as you found yourself completely frozen, unable to formulate any word or even breath properly.

"Don't waste your time trying to lie to me and yourself" she said stroking your hair with her fingers full of silver rings "We both know you're not that humble Y/N"

You were shaking, the palm of your hands excessively sweaty and you could barely feel the oxygen reaching the cavities of your lungs, you literally forgot how to breath properly.

"What are you?" were the only words you managed to say while a tickling sensation started to run through your body.

The atmosphere became heavier, a slight breeze was enough to start moving some of the chairs and cups as if you were starting to witness an earthquake that only took place there, inside the coffee shop.

"You can call me Karma" said the woman approaching you from the other side of the counter and cupping your cheeks with her cold thin hands "I'm here to teach you a lesson, Y/N" your eyes squeeze closed in pure fear and you felt a warm kiss on your forehead before reopening them to find nothing.

You were alone again.

Your eyes scanned the place looking for the strange woman but she was gone. You thought that maybe you were hallucinating but then a thin silver ring with a red geometrical gem on it that seemed to be meticulously placed on one side of the counter caught your attention. You took it and studied it for a while, trying to process what just happened and put it in your pocket. You didn't care about the coffee shop anymore, you just wanted to go home and so you did.

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