3 | Jungkook

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Cursive letter is going to be used to represent dialogues in Korean on this chapter ~

It's been a few hours since he woke up, went through several panic attacks and got in bed again, hoping to wake up from this nightmare in which his body was nowhere to be found every time he looked in the mirror.

He tried, hundreds of times, but all he could see was a stranger in the reflection. Jungkook wanted to get out of there, that wasn't his bedroom, he felt disoriented and really anxious but he heard noises outside the room and didn't dare to get out. What if he had been kidnapped? No, that still couldn't explain the fact that he was trapped in somebody else's body.

"Y/N" a female voice said from the other side of the door "are you okay? We're going to be late" Jungkook barely understood what the voice was saying, he was trying to learn English but he still needed to improve in order to maintain a fluent conversation "Y/N, are you awake?"

He didn't have time to answer when the door opened. Jungkook panicked again and covered himself with the blankets trying to hide from the unfamiliar girl who entered the room holding a mug.

"I knew it" she said resting her shoulder against the door's frame "you always fall asleep on fridays" but Jungkook wasn't responding, he just took his head out of the blankets and looked into the girl's direction. He thought she was pretty, but he was prettier.

"At least you could say something huh? Here" she said walking towards him and placing the mug on the nightstand "I made coffee"

Jungkook sat on the bed and took the mug, it smelled nice and the emptiness of his stomach has been bothering him ever since he opened his eyes. He sipped the coffee and thanked the girl, but he unconsciously thanked her in Korean.

"What?" She stuttered with her eyes wide open, he had to act quickly or she would start asking the same questions he did to himself not so long ago.

"T-Thank you" he said trying to imitate the accent as perfect as he could. She seemed to be concerned about her friend's behavior, but since it had been a pretty tough week at work she didn't give it much importance.

"You really are weird when you're sleepy" she said heading to the door again "I'm gonna get going or I'll be late. By the way, I ate all the cereals, so don't bother trying to find them, I'll buy more on the way back home, I promise" normally you would say something to your friend at this point, specially after her confession about the cereals but there was no response.

"Y/N ... are you okay?" Jungkook felt proud of himself, he understood the question with no problem and nodded to the girl who already had half her body out of the room "Fine, I'll see you later I guess"

She stood out of the room closing the door and left Jungkook alone again "thank you" he said again, this time appreciating the new tone of his voice. He got out of bed and walked towards the body mirror again, but he stopped in the middle of the way, he didn't want to see it, the fact that he wouldn't see his own face terrified him so he walked towards the balcony instead and opened the door.

A soft breeze brushed his face and the morning sun started to warm his body, it felt nice, but it also felt different. Where the hell was he?

He tried to look for a phone around the house once he noticed he was completely alone in the apartment, but the only one he found needed a code to be unlocked so it was useless. Even worse, he never memorized any phone number, not even his own so he couldn't use the emergency call option.

Although it sounded crazy, Jungkook considered the idea of getting out of the apartment but when he was on the balcony he noticed how he couldn't recognize the streets, it didn't look familiar at all so he refused to take the risk of getting lost out there.

He let a deep sigh escape and sat on the bed again. Is this how his life was going to be from now on? Did this mean he would never see his family again, or the boys? Did this mean he would never be up on a stage again? Was this his new life, trapped in somebody else's body? He wanted to cry, it wasn't fair, he didn't do anything to deserve this.

A tear fell from his eye onto his cheek but he wiped it quickly with his right hand. That's when he noticed it, the ring, it was exactly like the one he woke up with that night but this one had a red gem instead of a blue one.

Did this mean he wasn't the only one who had that weird dream? He barely remembered it now but he did not forget the image of his own eyes turning purple. It was a weird dream, he was able to see his own reflection and his eyes changed color but those were the only things his mind could bring back from it.

Jungkook was too focused on his dream to hear the phone ringing. When he noticed, he run towards the device a looked at the screen, the number which was calling wasn't saved and it looked familiar, he doubted a few seconds wether to answer or not but finally he drove the phone to his ear "Hello?"

"Kookie?" it was Namjoon's voice, he recognized it immediately and started crying "Kookie is it you?"

"Hyung" was the only thing Jungkook was able to say between sobs. Then he heard more voices in the background, he recognized Jin's and then ... his own voice.

"Jungkook are you okay?"

"No" he still didn't stop crying, he wanted to hug Namjoon and never let him go, he was terrified "I don't know where I am, I wanna go home. My body.. huyng I-"

"I know" said the older, now totally convinced that the person he was talking to was the actual Jungkook "We're going to fix this, don't worry okay?"

"I don't know where I am" said the black haired boy still trembling while sitting on the floor "it's an apartment but I don't know where, there was a girl but then she left"

"A girl" he heard Namjoon said in a lower tone "he's talking about a girl, he says she left ... Robin? Wait ... Kookie, how long since she left?"

"I don't know, two hours maybe" he stood up again and started walking towards the mirror "Hyung, something's wrong" he said looking at his reflection again, it still scared him "My body is gone, I don't know who this person is, but it's not me. I think I'm going crazy"

"No, Jungkook , you're not. Your body is here" Jungkook froze at his hyung's words. Did he just said that his body was at another place? How? And whose body was the one he was in now?

"Listen, we're going to give you the phone's code so you can use it, you're going to need it for a translator when the girl arrives. Don't worry we're going to call her now and try to explain her the situation okay?" Jungkook remained quiet, still trying to process all the information "What? ... Come on ... He's not gonna- fine ... Also, don't go through the phone's gallery and don't change clothes, alright? ... Kookie?"

"Namjoon, who's in my body?"

"Y/N" said his hyung after a brief moment of silence, he recognized that name, he heard the coffee girl saying it before "the owner of the body you're in now"

Jungkook started crying again at this new information, deep down he already knew it but he was desperate not to believe that what was happening was real.

"Don't worry Jungkook, just wait for us. We're going to take you home and fix this"

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