7 | Apology Denied

186 20 4

Cursive letter is going to be used to represent dialogues in Korean on this chapter ~


You recognized that voice, you heard it not so long ago through the phone yet it felt so different hearing it now. You turned on your heels and faced the door that gave entrance to the kitchen, there you saw her with half her body hiding behind the frame as she stared at you with her eyes widely open, scanning every inch of your new unfamiliar body.

"Robin" you didn't wait any longer and wrapped your arms around her now so tiny body in comparison to yours, hugging her as if it was the last time you could do so.

"Oh my God, Robs" you sobbed, tightening your grip as you snuggled your face into the crook of her neck and finally released the tears you've been holding for so long.

Your friend was still in shock, she didn't know what to expect when you told her you were trapped in the body of an idol, but she was definitely not expecting a huge young boy still dressed on his pajamas, since you refused to get changed, wrapping his arms around her and repeating how much he missed her over and over again. However, unlike Namjoon, Robin never had a problem to say whatever was on her mind.

"Damn, you're hotter in person"

Both of you started laughing, this was exactly why you missed her so much. Robin was the only person able to calm you down in any stressful situation. Even if you communicated with each other by screaming half the time, she always knew how to act when you were feeling anxious and that was by diminishing the importance of the matter, just like she was doing now

"But you need a shower though, you look awful" she joked while rubbing your back as an attempt to comfort you.

"I know" you admitted quite frankly as you finally broke from your grip and wiped your eyes on the sleeve of your shirt "There's so much I need to tell you I-"

"I'm sorry" she cut you off, her eyes getting wet as she stared at your new figure with remorse, your body was clearly different but everything else remained the same, Robin knew it was you now "I should have believed you the moment you told me, I just ... I freaked out and didn't know what to do, I didn't take you seriously"

"It's okay, I wouldn't have either" you were hugging again when you felt a stabbing pain on one side of your shoulder blade, causing a hiss escape from your lips "Are you okay?" asked your friend, but you shook your head in denial "My back hurts a little"

"You did fall quite sharply back in the hallway" Namjoon was still not very sure when would it be appropriate to enter the conversation yet he interfered anyways "We tried to be as careful as possible" he continued, shyly stepping in your direction.

He and Robin explained to you that the moment you and Jungkook saw each other in the hallway of your building, both of you fell unconscious instantly.

He was able to take your actual body to one of the couches but your current one was a different story, Jungkook was known for being very muscular and therefore, he weighed much more than you did, which in this case wasn't convenient at all, so with the help of your friend, they both dragged you by your feet to the living room and let you lie on the floor until you woke up.

"I heard you guys talking again" said the leader, assuming that your state of unconsciousness was what you referred as to those dreams in which you could communicate with the maknae "It wasn't as clear as the first time though. I couldn't understand anything of what you were saying"

"Did you recognize the language?"

Namjoon shook his head, his gaze glued to his own fingers as he kept playing with the hem of his shirt. You were now sitting on the kitchen while Robin was making some coffee, you barely ate nor drank anything ever since you woke up in Jungkook's body "I only heard mumbles" Namjoon's gaze was still locked down as his leg began to shake rhythmically, he was hiding something.

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