5 | True Leader

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"So you spoke to him in your dream?" Namjoon had some difficulties trying to believe you this time. In fact, he struggled everytime you gave him new information "And you could understand him?"

"I know it's hard to believe, but it wasn't a dream itself"

"Uhm, okay. I ... I think I need a moment" he mumbled as he shut his eyelids down and passed his hands through his hair, silver locks sticking up in different directions as his fingers got tangled between them.

Namjoon knew the best thing he could do was to stop trying to find the logic on everything you told him at this point, and just start to believe blindly. But sometimes it was way too hard "How can you be so sure it wasn't just a dream?"

You remembered your deal with Jungkook to prove each other's 'authenticity' as you glanced at the blue gem ring on your finger. Jungkook asked you not to tell anyone where did you get it from so you lied to Namjoon and told him you found the ring inside a pocket of Jungkook's jackets.

It was a poor lie and he obviously doubt about its veracity, but there were so many things that seemed hard to believe he didn't even care at this point "I just know, trust me" you insisted while trying to find a better position on your sit. You were on a blinded car on your way to the airport to go back home after the complicated talk you had with Robin through the phone.


"What have you done to my friend?!"

"Robin no, that's not me " it was the tenth call you made trying to communicate with your friend through Namjoon's phone when she answered, thank God he could afford the bill he would have to pay after all those calls abroad.

You were not counting with the fact that Robin was already at your apartment, freaking out at the sight of her roommate speaking full Korean and mumbling few words in English while having a panick attack in the kitchen.

"Listen, it's very complicated and not even I know what's going on but I need you to listen, okay?"

"Who are you?!"

"I'm Y/N!!" you insisted again. Namjoon was sitting next to you, his eyes wide open and his eyebrows almost crushing together, the silver-haired guy wasn't sure if he was fascinated at your ability to communicate with Robin exclusively through screams or the fact that your vocal cords didn't break at this point.

"The one you have in front of you right now is a whole different person okay? Just wait until I get home and you'll see"

"How am I suppose to believe that?!"

"Because it's not me damn it!" your composure was non-existent at this point, Robin could be very stubborn sometimes and clearly, patience was the least of your virtues "Robs you have to believe me, okay? That's not me, I promise. The person you have in front of you barely understands you so try not to scream at him and wait until I get there, please"

"I'm calling the police"

"Oh my God, and what is the police going to do? Robin, I know it's hard to believe but this is me, I'm Y/N, I'm your best friend not the one standing in front of you but me, the one talking to you right now okay?"

Almost inaudible sobs began to sound on the other line, you could hear her crying and your heart sank when you realize you couldn't do anything about it. You closed your eyes, trying to contain your own tears unsuccessfully and cleared your voice.

"Your birthday is in September 12th" your voice cracked but you kept going, you had to "you got your drive license last year but refused to drive a car ever since" her sobs began to decrease, hearing attentively what you had to say "we promised to start saving money to visit Europe" you continued "but we always spend it on dumb stuff on the internet, we saved what? forty dollars at most? and that's quite an achievement" this earned a giggle from the girl at the other side of the line, you smiled when you noticed it "and I always keep some extra pastries apart at the coffee shop cause I know they're your favorite"

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