4 | Nice to Meet You

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"Hey" Jungkook felt a soft tap in his forehead but he refused to open his eyes "wake up" still no response from the boy "Jungkook"

That marked the difference, his eyes opened wide at the sound of his name coming from the familiar voice, but the first thing he saw was his own reflection, or at least the reflection of the body which he was trapped in.

But it didn't looked like a reflection, he was lying on the hard floor and this figure was sitting next to him. It was you, the actual Y/N "Finally, I thought you were unconscious or something" Jungkook sat up and scanned his body before yours. That's when he realized it, you were in your own body which meant that he was back in his own.

His smile couldn't hide any longer, he sighed in relief and brought his hands to his face in order to touch it "it's me" he mumbled tangling his fingers in his own hair "it's me!" He said again looking at you this time, but when he saw your smile he noticed something was wrong, it didn't reflect happiness. It only showed disappointment, the same one he felt when he saw the place you both where in.

"I know" you said, understanding exactly what he was feeling right now "It happened the same to me when I woke up" you saw the way his brown eyes lost the spark they had at the realization of his surroundings and placed one hand on his shoulder, you weren't really good at comforting other people, specially strangers.

"I'm sorry" you said before you stood up and walked towards a white brick bridge giving your back to Jungkook.

"What is this place?" He said once he approached you, resting his elbows on the bridge's curb before he gave the landscape another look.

It seemed like a garden but it was hard to appreciate anything due to the thick layer of snow that cover almost every corner of the place. Beneath your feet was a frozen river that seemed to be lifeless just like the old font behind you and the rest of the garden, the only sign of life coming from the pine trees and their slight movements provoked by the breeze. Although everything was covered in snow, it wasn't cold, you felt nothing.

"I think it's a dream" the moment you woke up in the garden you experienced the same thing Jungkook did, you thought this nightmare was over but it wasn't and it broke you "I went for a nap in your bedroom and I woke up here"

Jungkook nodded, still pensive while using one of his hands to hold his chin "that explains why you're speaking my language then"

You totally forgot about that, you both were communicating perfectly without the language barrier creating the chaos it did when you tried to talk to Jin the first time. But you weren't speaking Jungkook's language, he was speaking yours.

"What? No, I'm not" you said sliding your gaze in his direction"You're speaking mine"

He clicked his tongue in disapproval and shook his head "I'm definitely dreaming" he said before he straightened up and started walking in the opposite direction to yours "Wait!" You said following him from behind.

"You're not dreaming, we are" but Jungkook didn't listen, he kept walking with his hands hidden in the pockets of his sweatpants, trying to enjoy being in his own body as much as he could "Stop ignoring me dude, I'm not going anywhere" Jungkook sighed with annoyance and turned around to face you "Okay, prove it"

"Prove what?"

"Prove that your real and this is not a regular dream"

"I could ask you to do the same thing" you were offended by his treatment as if you were an annoying kid who wasn't suffering the same exact circumstances than him "You stole my body" you said accusing him without thinking too much about what you said, you let anger speak for you.

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