Chapter 2

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(Travis is depressed slumped up on his bed)
Travis: ok first my girlfriend breaks up with me then after a week I break up with my rebound what is wrong with me
(Travis gets a text)
Allie:hey Travis what's up
Travis:oh hey Allie I'm not really in the best mood right now
Allie:yeah yeah I heard about your breakup but guess what
Travis:uh what
Allie: I'm going to my friends house next week and she also has no one
Allie:so we are going to a football game you could be at the game and I could hook you guys up
Travis:Allie I don't like when you do matchmaker
Allie:fine but at least go to the game
Travis:I don't know
Allie:it will get you out of your depression state also I'm not taking no for an answer
Travis:fine I'll see if I can make it
(Text end)

Travis:man Allie is so stubborn looks like I'll get another shot at love and If this does not work I don't know what I'll do

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