Chapter 11

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(Kyle and Olivia knock into the platform and end up on the side of the guard Sydney and skylar)
Skylar:look here comes everyone
Guard:good my arms are getting tired wait is that Travis
Skylar: yes why
Guard:he disrespected me at the gate
Skylar:control your anger
(Guard controls his anger)
(Travis and Lacey meet up with Allie broski Dave and Peter)
(Broski and Dave speed up and get to the other side of the gate)

(Guard locks eyes with Travis)
Guard:I'm sorry skylar but I just can't
(Guard pulls the lever and a lasers separate Lacey's group and kyle's group)
Skylar:no pull the lever up again you are putting peoples life in danger
(The guard understands and tries to pull the lever up but breaks the lever)
Guard:oh no oh no oh no
Sydney:what will you do now
(Guard runs away)

Lacey:oh no what do we do now
Peter:you don't get it do you
Lacey:oh what now
Peter:we have metal lasers reflects off of metal
Travis:that is not true the robots were able to blast away my shield
Peter:bit those were transfer lasers like I know Dave and broski can get through no problem and my sister is a great climber but I've never seen Kyle or Skylar handle lasers and Sydney I'm guessing is not the most flexible
Travis:do what you want I'm protecting Lacey
Allie:I'm going underneath the bleachers to think of a plan
Peter:looks like I'm the only one thinking brightly

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