Chapter 16

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(As Olivia falls Peter jumps down on a robot grabs his legs and uses it as a rope)
(Peter catches Olivia)
(They smash into a window in a neighboring building)
Peter:good your ok so I'll keep you here and
(Peter uses the rope to get back to the other building)

(Sydney brings Travis the bleachers)
Sydney:Allie I have Travis
Allie:good wait where is Lacey
Sydney:she was not there
Allie:well go and find her
Skylar:Sydney we need you over here some robots are trying to break through the barriers
Allie:go I'll find Lacey
(Sydney helps Skylar and Elizabeth)
(Allie looks for Lacey)
(Someone snatches Travis)

Kyle:Peter I'll go help Olivia
Peter:great I'll meet up with you later

(Greg and broski find a bomb)
Broski:come on quick defuse it
Greg:no chance it will go off if we try to defuse it we need a sacrifice

The battle of love (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant