Chapter 10

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Krista:I got to grab a supply of food
(She jumps through the opening and closes the opening with a metal grate)
Krista:oh there's a bedroom and a bathroom in here too I'm surviving

(Elizabeth locks the door)
Elizabeth:there I'm safe for now now I'll just hide in a bathroom stall and wait it out

Olivia:let's kick this into high girl
(Olivia backs up and lunges into a robot and it flies out of control)
Olivia:too much power

Sydney:yes I made it
Skylar:where is everyone else
Sydney:they are right behind me you can't see them
(Sydney checks behind her)
Sydney:what where've they
Guard: I can't keep the gate open much longer
Skylar:just wait

Kyle:yeah I love riding on these robots nothing can break this mood
(Kyle jumps onto another robots and olivia's robot knocks into Kyle now they are both flying out of control)
Kyle:this can't end well

Allie:come on Peter broski and Dave we got to get out of here
Dave:yeah guys there are too many of them
Peter:yeah broski maybe we should go there are just going to be more coming from that portal
Broski:no one is going to beat me
(Robots surround him)
(Peter Dave and Allie get rid of the robots)
Broski:yeah let's go

(The robots shoots away Travis's Shield)
Travis:I have one shot
(Travis throws the rail into the robots)
Travis:made it count
(Two robots swarm him)
(All of a sudden a metal garbage can knocks out the two robots)
Lacey:oh thank for your okay
Travis:you are the girl Allie was talking about
Lacey:and you are allies friend I want to get to know you but let's get out of here first
Travis:yes of course

The battle of love (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن