Chapter 6

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Lacey:so Kris how have you been
Krista:oh I've been great I think Elizabeth is somewhere around here
Lacey:Kris please don't talk about her me and her are not on good terms
(Elizabeth shows up)
Elizabeth:Kris you got to go to the food court it's amazing
(Elizabeth sees Lacey)
Elizabeth:oh uh your here
Lacey:Um hi
Elizabeth:well anyway Kris when you are done come with me
Krista:can we bring Lacey with us
Elizabeth:no way she is with the rival team
Lacey under her breath:that's not the only reason
(Elizabeth leaves)
(Finally Allie coughs to get attention)
Krista:bless you
Lacey:oh yeah this is my friend Allie
Krista:nice to meet you
Allie:yeah yeah sure what you said
(Allie gets a text)
Allie:Lacey I got to take this
(Allie walks off)
Krista:well ok Lacey I'll try to convince Elizabeth to trust you
(Krista goes to meet Elizabeth)

Olivia:oh my sweet cousins Kyle and Skylar
Kyle:hey liv what's up
Olivia:well there is this guy that is like a bully to everyone else but has a major crush on me but I hate him
Kyle:don't worry as long as he sees me and skylar with you he will back down to us since we are in a superior grade

Sydney:Lacey there you are
Lacey:oh there you are
Sydney:I saw Allie is she here
Lacey:yeah she went to answer a text how do you know her
Sydney:camp we were kind of besties
Sydney:anyway I got a spot over there on the stands let's go
Lacey:ok Allie will find us

Allie:Travis where are you
Travis:I'm at the front
Allie:I will but I need to get my friend first
Allie:Lacey get ready to be surprised

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