Chapter 8

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(Elizabeth and Krista at the food court in line)
Elizabeth:you know what just wait for that Greg guy in front of us to leave then get our food I'm going to the bathroom
(Elizabeth goes to the bathroom)
(Krista puts on her headphones)
Krista:I like music

Kyle:is that Lacey I can't tell
Allie:yes dumbo that's her
Skylar:oh she's with her friend Sydney
Travis:wow she's cute

Lacey:woah who is that
Sydney:um your friend Allie your cousin Olivia your brother Kyle and your sister Skylar
Lacey:no the boy behind them
Sydney:not sure
Lacey:let's meet up

Half time
Peter:great we are tied
Dave:they put up a good fight
Broski:second half they are going down no one can beat the eagles

(A portal opens)
Travis:wait what is that

Lacey:what is happening

(Robots come out of the portal shooting transfer lasers)
Allie:hm Lacey I get your point why you don't want to go to the game
Kyle:skylar and Olivia lead people out me and Travis will hold them off and Allie go meet up with Lacey and Sydney then help our Peter and his friends

Peter:this is it the fight of our lives
Dave:actually a worthy opponent
Broski:and in a last minute idea we will win
Peter:let's do this we need to win
Dave:I just want to be a hero

Sydney:wiah why did this happen
Lacey:this is why I didn't want to go to the game always something goes wrong

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