Chapter 17:sacrafice

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(Broski is thinking of options)
(Dave is just staring at the bomb)
Broski:I got it I can launch this bomb with this crank and this basket like a makeshift catapult
Dave:no that may save us but will put someone else in danger
(Dave gets a lightbulb)
Dave:I'm sorry Broski
Broski:what for
(Dave grabs the bomb and knocks out Broski)
(Dave launches himself up to the portal with the bomb strapped up on him and a blade he found in the building)
(Dave goes through the portal)
(Dave earphone goes on)
Peter:Dave where are you when I got back to the building I saw Broski knocked out
Dave:Peter my oldest friend all I ever wanted to be is a hero and the only way I can prove this to myself is to get rid of this bomb
(Peter looks out the window and sees Dave with the bomb strapped on his back)
Peter:no you are not killing yourself
Dave:tell Broski to win this war I will miss you guys
(Dave unstraps the bomb and aims his blade at the bomb)
(Peter jumps out the window and starts jumping on the robots)
(Dave smirks)
Dave:I'm a hero
(Dave throws his blade and it hires the bomb and there is a huge explosion)
???:all my plans ruined

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