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"That was awesome." Jennie laughed.

"Was I too harsh?"

"Nah, she'll get over it, let's go get the guys."

You got up to your bedroom and you immediately started to get undress as well Jennie.

"Woah woah wait." Bobby came out of your closet, scaring the both of you.

"What the fuck?" You said.

"Sorry." He looked guilty.

"How long have you been here?" Jennie asked picking up something off her desk.

"I just got here but you guys were no where to be found and I heard someone coming so I got scared and ran in the closet." He spoke.

"You picked a wrong time to sneak in. All the girls are on their way out." You started.

"Oh great. Then maybe we could stay here." He gave you a sly look but it soon changed once you looked at Jennie. She was reading some note, taking all her attention. "Um to look for clues or something."

"Jennie you okay?" You asked.

"Oh yeah. It's nothing."

"Oh hay, Hanbin said you two are hanging out today?"

"Yeah." She smiled. "I better get going." She grabbed a few things and made her way out.

"They are so cute." You smiled.

But as soon as that door shut Bobby was already leaning up on you kissing his favorite spot causing your most trouble in this damn house. "You need to stop being so messy, Haeryung's been noticing."

"Just tell her you have a boyfriend." He didn't stop causing you to lean against your dresser.

"I can't because she'll want detail: what's his name? Which fraternity? Etc."

"Tell her to mind her own business." He started pulling the straps of your shoulders.

"I can't, have you met her?" You said as his lips went down closer to the top of your breast.

"Fine, I'll find a new place then." His hands were exploring your body causing your head to fall back, soaking in the pleasure.

"She's up to something." You both stopped as you heard voices pass your room. "I'll catch her, just like that Jiyong trash."

Then you heard the front door shut. They must all be gone. "Jiyong is the girl Haeryung got kicked out."

"Great so she's going to frame me if she catches me or not."

"We won't let that happen. She will go on that date and they will click like old times and forget about you." Bobby reassured.

"I just need to make sure I can steal her card tomorrow morning." You said nervously.

"How did you get her to enter?"

"It's a long story." You bit your lip.

"You think everyone is gone?" He had his head leaning against the door.

"They should be." You said causing him to smile and quickly be at your side once again. "We can search her room." Your face lit up walking right passed him causing him to pout.

You opened the door and made your way down the hall. The house was completely silent so you knew it was vacant. You jiggled her handle and opened the door to a typical tidy room.

"She's such a princess." You rolled your eyes. "Be careful what you touch because she'll probably know."

You got down on her knees and searched under the bed first as Bobby was looking through her desk table.

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