Chapter 1

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It was way too cold and dark to be out this late at night, yes, she knew, though this was the only time she could see them. They were never out during the day, and they barely showed a sign of existence during the evenings and early mornings. Only when darkness heavily loomed over the land, did they appear, if one looked close enough that is.

She looked attentively over the alleyways and dark streets; as she had been doing for hours upon hours during this calm dark night. Where were they....? she asked herself. Then, there. There it was, the small movement of a faint shadow in the distance. There they were, she pressed over the edge of the building, nearly falling over it.

They were completely off the grid, no one knew anything about them except the name of their guild. Tyranny Prestige, a small chill went down her spine every time she thought of the name. She found herself following them from the rooftops. Staying as quiet as she could as she trailed something that was only barely visible.

Suddenly, they disappeared, the small ripples of darkness were gone without a trace, that's when she stood incredibly, still, and listened. The faint sound of a pained groan and the tear of flesh echoed through the alleys. The sound of blade against blade rang in her ears. Soon enough, she was launching herself off the edge of the rooftop. The ground came up with incredible speed, she timed it just right as she pressed her palms together, and threw the air to her sides as if she was stopping time itself. All while muttering a word to herself in the language of the mage. She landed softly on the ground, hitting the street with a quiet thud, then she was running, running as fast as she could. Only dressed in loose black pants, a solid black shirt, and an old hood, her clothing rippled through the air.

She then slowed as she neared the edge of the alley, peering inside it's darkness. She saw nothing, nothing laid in it's mist. She wasn't giving up that easily, taking in a small breath, she strode cautiously into the alley.

It looked like any other alleyway, though it sounded like quite a ruckus had ensued. She turned her head to the dumpster in front of her, something was, breathing, and quite harshly as well. She peered inside, the lid creaking as she lifted it. Finally pulling it up, she saw a man bleeding from the back of his neck, the man's spine sticking of his skin. He was surely dead, though man beside him, told another story. He lifted a bloody hand to her while his mouth hung over, some of his teeth knocked in, knives stuck in him from all sides, one particularly, stuck in his socket. She gulped, she wasn't really fazed by gore and such, as she had witnessed it at a young age, though it never gave her a good feeling. The man's eyes exhaustedly glazed over before he took his last breath, his arm fell and he lay unmoving inside the horrid dumpster. Finding it better to leave them be, she closed the lid and turned to the rest of the alley. She guess she had missed them, another night, another goose chase.

She turned to go home, though something stopped her, as if she could feel a presence as the wind blew across her hood. Telling her something. The wind has always been her ally, no matter the situation, it told her things that nothing else could, a guide to her in a sense.

A chilling breath of wind came across her, and her muscles instantly tightened. Someone was near, very near. She took a large step backwards, instantly regretting her plans for the night.

"Isn't it a little late for you to be out kid?" A soft deep voice asked. It scared her, as she jumped in fright, her hands clenched nervously. What scared her more was that she had no idea where the voice came from, she heard it from all around her.

Spinning around to search for the person who had asked, she replied in a stuttering and nervous tone, "I-I just." She gulped, her eyes closing as she reminded herself of what to say when she got to this point. "I...I want to join you...i-if that's ok.." Muttering the last part.

A gentle thud sounded right behind her, as it wasn't at all loud, it still scared her to death. She tripped over her own feet and fell, finding herself looking up to a large figure who had quickly approached her. He wore a black hood, nothing of him was seen except his dark, snug clothes and large white teeth that stood out at the side of his mouth. Most likely an orc, she thoughtfully stated to herself. Another figure looked to her from behind the orc's side, the figure was just a bit shorter, and large wings stood out from their back. They weren't as big as the orc, but looked just as deadly, as knives and weaponry stood out from all sides of her feminine physique. She didn't seem to worry about keeping a low profile. The girl looked up to the two of them with a cowering stare. She automatically deemed that she wasn't going to make it out of this alleyway, alive.

"What's your name kid..." The orc questioned, no hint of friendliness in his voice, but why should there be, she had been full on stalking them.

Her lips wobbled as she managed to get out her soft words, "R-Ruee D-Dawnivihn..."

The female beside him chuckled, "Sage's never going to let this pipsqueak in..." She looked up to the orc who was scoldingly staring her down.

Sage...the name repeated in her head, now they were definitely going to kill her.

"Eeer...Vokun I mean...forget I said Sage kid." The female ordered, the orc only rubbed the side of his head in annoyance.

Ruee gulped once more, the Vokun? She thought Vokun was a loner, she never knew the rogue ran a whole guild. Acknowledging the female's words, Ruee nodded obediently, her butt aching from laying on the hard ground, though she did risk moving a single muscle. The orc slipped a card out of his hand, seeming to have come out of thin air.

"The kid has potential, granite, she has been keeping up with us for the last few weeks nonstop."

"Huh? She has?"

The orc lifted what she could only assume was a brow, it made her want to smile at the fact that a very member of the guild didn't even know of her presence for the last few weeks. Though, she didn't exactly look to be the sharpest tool in the shed anyway.

The orc just extended the small card to Ruee, and a nervous hand stretched over and took it. "If you really want to join. Meet us at that address by early sundown tomorrow."

Ruee looked down to the card and read over the address, "Who all is going to-...." She looked up to see no one in front of her. "Be. There..." A sudden heat came from the card she held, and she looked back to it to see that it was engulfed in a bright blue flame. She let out a small yelp in surprise as she dropped it. Before she could do anything more, it became a small pile of ash in before her. The girl only stared at it in silence for a second before she jumped to her feet and threw her hands in the air. "YES!" She cried, her voice bounced off the walls of the alleys, she quickly put a hand over her mouth. It was still late, and she had no idea who was out here this time of night, she deemed it her time to get back home. Ruee quickly scaled the side of the building, and once at the top, she ran, she couldn't wait to tell her best friend the news.

"That's her, right there." The orc pointed to Ruee as she ran across the rooftops. He turned to a female dressed in an all white cloak. She crossed her arms and watched the girl finally disappear. "She's been spying on us for weeks, did you ever notice?" The female only batted an eye towards him before turning away, she waved a small hand in disinterest. "I gave you a chance didn't I?" The female stopped.

"OoooooOooooOooh!? He got you!" The winged female said with a small chuckle.

"Terra, not now..." The orc replied, a bit vexed. She only snickered and continued to watch. The orc turned back to the white cloaked figure, waiting for a response. "She's the perfect fit, and I think you know that."

The white cloaked figure looked slightly to her side, a bit of blue hair seen beneath her hood. So were her bright red eyes, with an unnerving amount of blank darkness inside her pupil. She had the kind of eyes that stared into one's soul, eyes that made just looking at them, a struggle. The orc even seemed to struggle to stay in eye contact with her, and as soon as she had turned her head, the winged figure had completely looked away as well. "We'll see." Her soft voice purred, as if she were singing, though her songs were only laced with poison. "But I'm not the one you need to persuade...Sage is."

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