Chapter 7

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The darkness hadn't really bothered Ruee until now, when the sudden female had dragged in a hollering bound man. As the man continued to fight, she seemed to eagerly chuckle to herself, enjoying his frenzy. Then, just like a deadly tiger, she pounced upon the man's chest and unsheathed almost a dozen of tiny and curved knives. The poor man had no strength to free himself as he helplessly struggled underneath her; and Ruee could only watch wide eyed from beneath the staircase.

She was grateful she had cover, because what the yellow-eyed female did to the man, was graphic enough even within the darkness.  It was almost shocking how much blood and insides came ripping out of the ill-fated male. Then Ruee sat there, frozen as ice, not daring to move; she felt like she was watching a predator eat its meal; helplessly waiting her turn.

It was brutal, horrifying, but, oddly, she felt more confusion than fear of the matter, did anyone deserve such a fate? Ruee wouldn't even wish something like this upon the person who left her parents for dead. She found questions barging into her mind, what did he do? What was so wrong? ....Why? And all she heard from the others was:

"Don't make a mess of him, Izzy!"

Ruee stared at the splashes of blood that stained the walls, the puddles of it upon the floor. Ruee looked back up to the feral rogue before her, taking a nervous swallow as she made herself as small as she could below the staircase. Though, as her breath finally seemed to even, it was only when that bright yellow eye turned to her, that her breath sank.



Redrick gave a brief exhale, "Sage-..."

He was interrupted by the sudden dagger that was raised toward his nose, "You're telling me, the only thing she has to offer is some decent tracking skills, and a beginner's experience with elemental magic." She inclined. "Hmph, I admit, your last little recruit held their own, but I'm not running a nursery Redrick." The guildmaster sighed in frustration as she slid deeper into her chair and kicked her boots upon the table. At this point, they needed all the help they could get, but bringing in some kid during a time like this seemed unreasonably foolish. "You can't bring in every lost kitten you see on the street...Can this- girl, even protect herself?" Obviously not impressed with the information provided. 

A spontaneous snicker was heard from Terra as she nudged Myth's shoulder with her wing, "That's a yes!" she mockingly stated. Myth had only but remained stationary, her gaze slowly moving toward her winged cohort with an unamused expression. In quick response, Terra cleared her throat and glanced elsewhere, though the sly smirk on her face was still apparent; something that wasn't at all a problem for Myth to slap off.

She was in the middle of a drink from Redrick's flask when Terra had spoken; her eyes narrowing in skepticism before she turned to Red. "That's why it reeks of Human in here..." The half-orc stiffened at her words, quiet; as they all were. Sage slid a hand down the side of her face; as if she wasn't irritated enough. "You brought the kid in here already..."

"It's not, just the kid, Sage." He implied, as if she already knew what he meant.

Before more was said, a scream was heard from the back of the hall, seeming to confirm Sage's theory. The four rogues all turned as Izzy's familiar voice soon followed. "Hey guys! Look what I found!" She blared in triumph, walking into the lounge whilst dragging a young girl by her ankle. As she came closer, someone else's struggled words were heard as well.

"Hey WAIT!!" The girl shrieked. "Red sai-UMf!" And before them, a stranger no older than 16 was tossed at their feet. Leaving her chair and pushing past the three of them, Sage came forth. Her blood-eyed gaze going from Izzy's eager face, down to Ruee's. Who was trying not to seem intimidated. "Uh, -" she managed to cough out. The female, who Ruee could only have guessed to be the head of the guild, slowly tilted to the side as she spoke; a voice that sounded like a pillow being scraped across raw granite.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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