Chapter 6

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          "Move Kid!!" The sudden warning from Terra got her on her feet and diving out of the way as the giant ax came crashing down behind her. Getting up once again, she turned back to Myth, seeing her pull her ax out of the floor tiles with ease. There was no way Ruee would ever be able to lift that thing. She stepped back a few paces, giving herself space between death and glory. The cloaked demon looked at the girl straight in her eyes, studying, waiting.

           Ruee slowly reached a hand toward her chest, surprised to find her heart still beating, surprised she had merely lasted this long. The demon just stood there, a devious and mocking glare came from her, and Ruee, frankly wanted nothing to do with it. Why was she just standing there, what was she waiting for?

Then it hit her, a test, Myth wanted to see what Ruee could do. That's what this was, or at least, it's what we hoped it was.

          "Alright..." Ruee muttered unsurely to herself as she reached to her waist. From there, she unsheathed a two sided boomerang with curved edges as sharp as a full blade. She didn't use it as much as she needed to, as she couldn't always rely on her magic. Ruee had learned that the hard way. Myth's eyes only narrowed on her.

         Her boomerang was her first attempt to make a shortsword, but instead of throwing it out, Irrak had suggested she'd use it. He taught her how to make it out of a lighter material, and attach a more efficient hilt, and so he did. She sharpened it regularly, and held it with pride. No one would suspect such a weapon to come flying at their face, he had told her. She believed him, and most of the time, he was right.

          Upon seeing her weapons, Myth's grip on her ax had only tightened, not at all underestimating what Ruee had in store. Ruee didn't know whether to be honored or even more nervous. Wasting no more time, she hurled her bladed boomerang toward the hooded demon as hard as she could.

          Myth only rose a brow before she sidestepped, seeming a little disappointed as the weapon flew right past her; her gaze didn't even move away from Ruee, as she then started her approach. A countdown was inside her head as she slowly strode toward the girl. Ruee had only so long to impress before Myth would spill her insides all over the ground. The mere thought of it made Ruee nauseous, as she felt the feeling of flight a lot more than fight at the moment. Finally stopping her fidgeting fingers, and calming her breath, she relaxed her muscles, forcing herself to do what she knew how to do. She stood her ground, a foolish choice, but she had to show courage somehow. Ruee then started to spin her hands in a circular motion, though nothing seemed to be happening.

          Myth continued forward, pulling her giant ax off her shoulder, she let it slide across the hard tiles at their feet. Sparks flying as the small shriek of foreign metal against rock rang through the guildhall. Though no matter how many yards turned to meters, and meters turned to centimeters, Ruee still spun her hands, faster, and faster, she was nearly swinging them, sweat starting to leak from her face. Something was obviously happening, and Myth had known the whole time, she just wanted to know how well Ruee could do it.

          Ruee, now pacing backward, the cloaked rogue was getting dangerously close, her time was quickly running out. Abruptly, her back hit cold hard rock, she no longer had anywhere to go, but, like she had any in the first place. "Come on kid..." She heard Terra softly say. Ruee narrowed her eyes at the approaching assassin, she had no agenda to go out like this. In which, Ruee suspected a deed of killing her was something Myth had no problem doing.

          Now only a few feet away, Myth had seen enough, it seemed Ruee wasn't worth getting her hopes up, she raised her ax, but the only thing she saw in Ruee, was the persistence to go on. She was grimacing in exhaustion, her hands swirling vigorously as she kept her gaze, but not with her, something behind her. And that's when she heard it, the roaring of a mighty storm synced with the familiar sound of a blade tearing through open space. The boomerang wasn't done with her yet, and Myth was only thinking of why it had taken so long. She turned her head, only to see a mighty storm of wind folding around the blade, her expression didn't change in the slightest, she'd seen worse.

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