Chapter 3

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Ruee made her way down the wet streets with the rain only getting heavier and heavier. She tugged upon her hood and shivered every now and then, it was getting colder as well.

It wasn't long before she started doubting herself, raising a hand to her chin in query as she finally reached the address. An abandoned chapel is what it looked to be. Half of the windows were shattered, and the wood of the building was in horrible condition. She sighed to herself and rubbed her temples, letting out a small groan as she scolded herself. "Darn it, this is the completely wrong address..." She told herself aloud. Of all the places, she wound up here, with no one in sight, and at the right time as well. Why would they meet at a chapel anyway?  "Aaaaagghhrrgg... I'm never going to get in this dang guild...." She grumbled as she pulled her hands down her face. "How could I be so stupid..." She said softly once more.

Ruee looked up to the sky that poured with continuous rain. The sun hadn't set too long ago. She put her hands up to her face again, and came up to the wall of the church, leaning her back against the wet course wood. She slid down the wall and sat there in the rain; in no mood to start her walk back to the hut in disappointment. She couldn't even go back after them again now, she couldn't remember a small dumb address. Having them see her face would be an embarrassment in itself.

The light from the strike of lightning crossed her gaze, and she looked up to it in surprise as the crash of thunder blared through her ears. Her eyes downcasted as she looked back to her hands, she wouldn't move, not until she was sure. She had to be sure.

Minutes passed, and another crash of thunder swept through the streets.

Hours passed, and she sat motionless within the thunderous storm.

Finally giving a huff in defeat, she stood in regret, wishing she never came here in the first place.

This was the wrong address.

Completely drenched in rainwater, another bolt of lightning hit the streets, and she backed a step in surprise. The thunder that came after it was even more devastating as she tripped and landed in a good-sized puddle. As if she wasn't already wet, she pulled herself out of the water and wiped her face, it was time to go home. Ruee started her way back, cold, disheartened, and above all, wet. All she wanted to do was drink something warm and sit by a fire right about now. Maybe listen to Arte ramble on about the justice system or something utterly stupid and hopeless. Like she was.

"Ruee..." A familiar voice called.

A small dizzy sensation passed through her as she blinked in the direction she was facing. No longer in an alley, she squinted, bemused by the sudden alteration.

"Ruee..." The voice bellowed once again.

She turned behind her, finding the same winged stranger, the large orc, and someone else she didn't know. The floor beneath her seemed different, she looked down to find herself on the edge of the top of the church. Her breath instantly became harsh as another bolt of lightning came crashing down only a block away. Her gaze quickly shifted to the light in surprise and looked down to the streets beneath her. The sound of the clap of thunder almost sent her off the edge of the church as she fell backward onto her back. Her head spun to all sides of her, finally looking up to them in a complete mix of astonishment and surprise, a bit of terror as well. "How...did..." Ruee started as she slowly got to her feet.

The orc waved a hand in dismissal to her and gave a lazy grin as he replied, "Don't question it." Ruee nodded, instantly complying with his word. The orc walked up to her, his height nearly looming over Ruee. She was only about 5 and a quarter feet tall. "I believe we haven't formally introduced ourselves." He said, sticking out a rather large hand to her in greeting, "Redrick Soloman."

Ruee gave him her hand and shook it, quite firmly in fact, despite her almost petrified stare. She forced herself to keep her words from shaking as she spoke back. "You, you're the one who saved the Prince from an assassin right?" She asked him.

Redrick nodded, "that's correct." Ruee smiled, killers? Arte had told her nothing but his ignorant opinion. Maybe they were just misunderstood, no one really knew anything about them anyway. The orc turned behind him and extended a hand toward his other two companions.

"The half-dragon born is Terra."

The winged female chuckled and gave a small wave. "Heh, hey kid..." She was dressed in regular, simple attire. Just a long-sleeved shirt and some comfortable pants, although she was armed to the teeth. Even the feathers on her wings seemed to be as sharp as steel daggers.

"And then there's Kem." The orc turned to the other female who was dressed in pitch dark clothing. A large hood nearly covered her face as she nodded, seeming to have not a care in the world.

"Mhm." Was all she said.

Ruee smiled and gave a small wave to each of them, then looked back to Redrick. Ruee knew nothing about Kem, and she looked as if she didn't want to be. She didn't know much about Terra either, only that she was wanted by the knights, pretty bad actually. But who wasn't nowadays, the knights and guards were going after everyone.

"Let's see what you can bring to the table Ruee," Redrick said, and with that, he was heading to the other side of the rooftop and launching himself into the air. The other two followed, Ruee's eyes widened as she went after them to the edge. The lightning hit again, a flash of light almost blinding her as the thunder stung her ears. They were gone, what was she supposed to do, follow them?

How? Her heartbeat raced as she looked across the streets, nothing. Nothing but patrolling guards. Where could they be?

"Calm down Ruee..." She told herself, she took a breath as she looked more attentively. They were traveling by the shadows no doubt, rogues weren't exactly publicly accepted after all. The harsh winds blew across her face as if it was pushing her gaze in its direction. She followed the wind and jumped off the edge, but instead of falling, she threw her hands beneath her, uttering a phrase to herself. The wind obeyed, and she felt a largely invisible force push her over the mass of open-air beneath her as she jumped to the next building. Due to her not having the best footing, she fell to a knee, but quickly regained herself and laid low to the ground to evade the sight of those patrolling. They only did so much as to bat an eye to her direction before deeming it to be nothing.

The wind blew toward the west, and she looked in its direction, she couldn't just walk down the streets all casual this late at night. She'd be suspicious. Ruee rubbed the side of her temples, she wanted to be in a guild of rogues right? So she had to think like one.

Ruee poked her head over the edge of the building, waiting for the few pairs of guards to pass before continuing her pursuit. A long few minutes passed, and she was going at a faster pace now, occasionally ducking out of sight from knights. The wind would spontaneously change directions at times, and she'd follow it eagerly. It had never failed her before. The rain was pounding down upon her, and the lightning refused to leave her alone. But Ruee didn't let it stop her.


Terra let out a large and dramatic yawn. "She's not going to find us, the kid's got nothing."

"An amateur to this she is Terra. Just give her time... even if being rained on for some dabbler girl is a bit vexing..." Kem replied as her head slightly turned to Redrick in annoyance. Terra only crossed her arms, not minding the rain much, but she could've been sleeping right now than standing around bored.

He wasn't paying attention, as his gaze was up toward the edge of the townhouse beside them. "You both are wrong..." Redrick replied with a small impressed smile; barely noticeable beneath his hood.

"You guys talking about me?" Ruee asked with a cheerful grin from above. She gave a small wave to them before jumping off the edge. Terra and Kem both flinched as if the girl was about to fall to her doom. To their surprise, she muttered a few words to herself and threw her hands to the side, letting the wind gently land her on the ground. Terra only stood in silence, she had to admit, she was a bit impressed.

"Not bad kid...not bad at all," Kem told her with a slight scoff. She wanted to see more of the girl.

"She'll do..." Redrick said.

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