Chapter 4

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Ruee felt a small shove on her shoulder urging her to wake. "Ruee....c'mon.....wake up...!" Arte said as softly as he could. It wasn't even morning yet. "Ruee..." He pushed her again, and she groaned, giving a small kick toward him. He slightly moved his head away, hanging onto the edge of the bunk bed. His feet barely touching the end of the bottom bed.

"Why are you even in here...this is the girl's room..." She asked half awake.

"I snuck in obviously, now c'mon. We gotta see the guards train today, they always practice in the streets at this time. Come on Ruee...." He pleaded. "Pleeeaaassseeee..."

" want to see the guards train every tuesday...go without me...its..." She let out a small yawn. "...too. Earl-...y" She had started but she was already falling asleep.

"But today the General's going to be out there," Arte replied. But was only answered with a small snore.

Arte gave a sigh in defeat, finally giving up. Until an idea formed in his head, he slightly shook the bunk bed, and Ruee covered her face with her covers. "EeErhg...Let me sleep Arte...." She exhaustedly grunted.

"Well...alright. Guess I'll just have to go to the bakery all by myself then...and you know the owner, Grunk, lets us have something special if we show up this early in the morning..."

Ruee opened an eye, starting to slightly lower part of her covers. She looked at him with an annoyed expression. He only grinned cunningly, knowing he'd made a convincing point. She rolled her eyes, "give me a moment..." She uttered, and Arte fist-pumped the air before jumping down and slowly, quietly, exiting the bedroom.

Ruee met Arte in the main living room of the building. The snoring of small children quietly echoing through the halls.

"Is Ms. Neels asleep still?" Ruee asked in a hushed tone. She pulled the straps of her backpack over her shoulders as she looked around. Arte turned to her as he sheathed his small knife and nodded. She replied with a thumbs up before heading to the back window.

She wasn't too worried about getting caught, the last time they had gotten caught sneaking out, they weren't allowed to play outside for a week. To her, it wasn't a very big punishment, she liked the inside, she could stick her nose in books without having to worry about people bothering her. Though Arte, if he wasn't allowed outside, it was the end of the world. Last time, He sat at the window, occasionally sighing in frustration and sadness. Ruee found it pretty depressing to watch, though, this was his idea. If anything, she'd blame him for whatever happened.

The window was pretty high, about ten feet, however, it was nothing teamwork couldn't fix. She got beside the wall and cupped her hands, and like clockwork, Arte had already gotten a running start and used her hands to reach the window. Once at the edge, he pushed it open, tensing at the small high pitched creak that rang through their ears. Ruee made a small jump, not at all high enough to reach the window, though, it wasn't a problem once she got ahold of a slim black tail. Arte gave a small grunt as he pulled her up to the ledge, by that point, everything went smoothly from there.


She had forgotten how interesting the morning trainings were with the kingdom's army. Taking a bite of a savorfull cinnamon roll, Arte and Ruee sat on the roof of Grunk's Bakery. Watching the training of nearly four dozen soldiers, knights, archers, and other tin cans. It wasn't meant to be private, as many people also got up early on Tuesdays to watch such a spectacle of the kingdom's might. 

Ruee shook her head in annoyance, things like this was what masked the corruption of the kingdom. That stupid General was making everyone think that he's in their corner. A lie.

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