Chapter 5

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"So, all I had to do to get in, was find you guys?" Ruee asked as she followed behind the three rogues. Her tone just a bit skeptical; it couldn't be that easy to get in.

"No, all you had to do to be considered of being able to join, was to find us," Redrick replied, leading the way through the old urban sewers. It wasn't his favorite route to the guild, but it was the least complicated. The kid had to know how to get in somehow, and getting killed just by trying to arrive wasn't something he wanted to deal with. "With how much is going on right now, our top priority is having someone who can't be caught. Dead or Alive."

Terra was flying above them, occasionally letting sparks fly as she grazed her dagger-like feathers across the roof of the sewers. "Yeah, we tend to be ghost at times." She added, though she contradicted her own words as her forehead hit the unforgiving metal of a pipe. The sound of a hard clunk echoing across the hard walls. She gave a small groan before receding to the ground and rubbing her head. Pretending nothing of the sort just happened.

Kem cleared her throat, dismissing the whole thing as she looked to the kid with a raised brow. "If we don't want to be found, we aren't. You proved otherwise, so,-" Kem paused as if she was trying to find the right word to say. Finally giving a shrug, "congrats kid." Though Kem didn't at all seem to really mean it. However, compared to everyone else, Kem always seemed to be the most distant. Never sharing much of herself or who she was. Mysterious she could be at times, as no one knows much about her, though she claims nothing about her is very interesting. Exactly what she wants everyone to think. In turn, everyone's given up trying to figure Kem out by this point.

It almost seemed as if this was a joke, as if they expected her to fail in the end. Ruee hesitated before she spoke. "That'"

"Pay no mind to Kem, Ruee. She's just a scout..." Redrick piped in. That, -that was a joke, he nudged her with a small smirk before stopping at a dead end. He turned his gaze to a small symbol to the top right of the forward wall, it was barely visible even when looked at. Ruee followed his stare, it took her a moment to find it, but there it was. A definite sign that this was the right spot, or so she thought.

His words seemed to be an instant trigger as Kem walked in front of him and pointed a finger. Her long cloak following her like a graceful flame. Despite him being at least a head taller, Kem dared him to say something again with her challenging expression alone. "The Best!...The Best scout you have." She scoffed before squeezing through a hidden space in the corner from the dead end and the wall. "Hmph, Just a scout..." She angrily trailed off as she disappeared into the darkness.

Terra gave a soft chuckle before following behind her, "hah, there he go pissing people off." Though she knew more than anyone else, that she was one to talk.

The two seemed to completely disappear into the void within as if it was some kind of portal to the unknown. Ruee looked up to Rederick unsurely, but he only pressed her to go on with a small wave of his hand. After a shallow breath, she swallowed her pride and went into the darkness.

"I'm right behind you, go on, keep going kid." Redrick urged. Ruee did, and at the end of the darkness, laid a small patch of light. It got bigger, brighter until she had to close her eyes tight to the relentless shine that seemed to be from the sun itself.

Not even a second later, she felt the ground beneath her feet alter to a smooth texture. Ruee opened her eyes to find herself in a large guildhall, looking around in astonishment as the high windows let in just enough light to make everything visible. She could easily understand that, upon watching the guild members in the streets, she's found that most of the members weren't human, in fact, most were creatures and races that dwelled in the shadows. Ruee turned in a tight circle, Terra was already on the couch, looking to be asleep, and she had heard Kem saying something about going back to her post upon her arrival.

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