ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ: ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏᴅ

764 43 20

From inside the quinjet, I looked out at the dark skies, listening as thunder boomed all around. The Director's voice sounded over the comm in my ear, diverting my attention.

"Said anything?" he asked, referring to Loki.

I tossed a quick glance over my shoulder at the restrained, greasy weasel sitting on the bench. "Not a word," I murmured an answer.

"Just get him here, we're low on time."

Stark and Rogers were across the way from me, neck-deep in what was clearly a volatile conversation. Nice to know I'm not the only one not thrilled about the Captain's prescence.

Thunder boomed overhead and lightning struck down, nearly hitting the jet and causing it to shake violently. I stumbled a bit.

"Where's this coming from?" Natasha frowned, piloting the aircraft so as to avoid getting hit.

The booming continued as Loki stared out of the window intently. He looked concerned, and I had to stifle a laugh at the fact. Tough guy, huh?

"What's the matter?" I called, moving from next to Romanoff towards him, "Scared of a little lightning?"

Looking up, he gave me an answer. "I'm not overly fond of what follows."

Outside the jet, a blinding light hit the rooftop and the next minute, the ramp was yanked open. Instinctively, I moved forward but before I (or anyone else) could make a move, a guy who looked like he'd walked straight off the set of a L'Oréal commercial swooped in and grabbed Loki by the throat. I watched as he swung his hammer a couple times, then flew off.

"Now there's that guy," Stark muttered, slipping the Iron Man helmet back on and moving for the open ramp.

"Another Asgardian," I voiced, piecing everything together as I reached out for a parachute.

Great. Another immortal deity to deal with. Just what we needed.

"Think the guy's a friendly?" Rogers inquired.

Stark answered before I could. "Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost."

I secured the clip of the parachute around my chest before walking over to join Stark at the base of the ramp, preparing to jump.

"Urie, Stark, we need a plan of attack!" Rogers called out keenly, still standing at the front of the jet.


"We have a plan," I informed.


With that, we hurtled ourselves out of the jet, falling through the air as we chased after the Asgardians. In the distance, I saw a cloud of dust form as something landed on the mountain ledge.

"Stark!" I called out, pointing at the exact spot. Since he was the one with the Iron Man suit, he'd be able to respond easier.

"Got it," he nodded to me, "Wait for me down in the clearing."

The suit sped up and off toward the mountain, lightly swaying me to the side. Reaching up for the controls, I guided the parachute down.

Manoeuvring between the trees, I headed for the clearing and once I was close enough, unclipped the parachute. Tucking into a roll, I hit the ground harshly.

Pushing myself up, I dusted the dirt from my gear and got into a fighting stance; I could see Stark coming in. He crashed into the clearing, tossing the Asgardian across the forest floor before moving into position beside me.

Narrowing my eyes, I watched intently as he rolled himself onto his feet. I kept my distance, though, since we had no idea what his intentions were – and even I knew that I was outmatched.

When he finally spoke, it was a booming roar. "Do not touch me again!"

Stark's helmet opened up. "Then don't take my stuff."

"You have no idea what you're dealing with."

Taking in his horrendous attire, I had to disagree. Was that supposed to be intimidating? I turned to look at Stark and I could tell he was thinking the exact same thing I was.

"Shakespeare in the park?" I scoffed, arching one brow.

Taking the joke further, Stark piped up, waving his arms around dramatically. "Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?"

Unsurprisingly, the Asgardian was not amused, and he clenched his jaw as he grumbled at us. "This is beyond you, metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice!"

"He gives up the Cube, he's all yours. Until then, stay out of our way... tourist."

The Iron Man helmet closed up and Stark turned to walk away. Didn't get far though, since that goddamn hammer flew through the air and knocked him clear across the way, into a fucking tree. What the fuck.

Looking up, I caught sight of Loki resting against a rock on the mountain side. Since I wasn't currently in the possession of an Iron Man suit or a magical hammer, I started up the base of the mountain. The last thing we needed was for Loki to escape again.

I scrambled up the uneven terrain, leaping over rocks and dodging bushes as I went. When I arrived at the ledge, Loki was sitting as still as ever, watching in amusement as the two guys down below hashed it out.

Slowing my footing down, I approached him apprehensively, ready to counter any move he might make. But he didn't. Instead, he spoke.

"How long do you reckon it will take them to reach an impasse?" he asked me.

Treading closer, I offered my response. "Knowing Stark... forever."

"Ah, actually," he chuckled lightly, straightening up excitedly, "I believe they just have."

Furrowing my brows, I glanced down to see what he meant. Rogers had arrived, and was comandeering from the base of fallen tree. I scoffed and turned to face Loki.

"Rogers' presence is not exactly what I would call an impasse," I retorted.

"No," Loki shook his head and gave a knowing smile, "but hersis."

My head snapped around so fast, I gave myself a mild case of whiplash. Sure enough, down below in the clearing – there she was.

"Motherfucker," I cursed under my breath.

Of course she would show up in the most dangerous of dangerous situations. Of course. Fuck it; she was honestly going to give me a fucking heart attack.

Breaking my gaze, I turned to the weasel next to me. He was watching her, a dark glimmer in his eyes, and I almost dropped him right then and there.

"Alright, get up," I instructed, nudging his arm with the toe of my boot.

Looking up at me, he spoke slowly and calmly. "Tell me, agent..." Equally as slow and calm, he got to his feet. "Do you address my dear cousin in such a disrespectful manner as well? Is that why she-"

Just hearing him talk about her made my blood boil and before I even realised what I was doing, I grabbed him by the throat and pushed him towards the edge of the ledge, holding him in place as his feet teetered on the crumbling rock.

"Watch yourself," I warned, "I'm not someone you wanna be messing with."

"Neither am I."

Clenching my jaw, I squeezed harder. "I promise you, I will-"


Turning to look behind me, I saw Rogers approaching, shield in hand and agents behind him. He nodded at me.

"You can finish this later. Fury wants us back within the hour."

Thank you for reading x

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